My graphics is finished.
no more.
absolutely no more coursework (:
im really chuffed about it. It means i can be geeky again now and give some of my time back to games & being cool.
Im def up for this whole skateboarding attempt, well i tried on mine a min ago and i can still ollie sort of and stuff. So im guessing it will be really fun, specially with some friends and all.
Yesterday was good.
I remember chichester being slightly cooler but then again i was with family & stuff last time so it would seem different & w/e
it was really good though, it was nice meeting millie
and i always have a good time with miles anyway
so it was really good fun, ESPECIALLY THE LUNCH TIME.
also my itunes is dead now, & foobar has replaced.
it seems pretty cool.
i think it's gunna take awhile to get used to though, its got some weird shiz on there.
Monday, 31 March 2008
Friday, 28 March 2008
So my parents want to report an "assault" to the police after my little 'on the walk home' fiasco.
I cant be bothered with the hassle but my mums all 'eeeee, must get more bobbies on the street'. Its kinda lame cause i feel like a dick about it all.
that sorta stuff always does. I feel like a pussy for running off but at the time my graphics work was most important. I didnt spend all that time for nothing after all.
Anyway, today was pretty good.
My graphics is basically finished now, just need to finish up the last two little parts and il be done.
I cant bloody wait. Il finally be able to do some other stuff after school and that now, or even make some more money picking up my brothers again. Either way its pretty good.
Ive found a couple of cool lookin' tees on the interwebs. They're from america but the exchange makes it come out at about £10 a tee. which is bargain in my books. and packaging overall is only like a fiver. So imma try and get me some tee soon.
Also im now planning my next weekend in town buying expensive things.
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
yeah, i havn't been on here in ageessssssssssss
like awhole two weeks or something & im very sorry blog.
tbh, ive actually quite missed you
so let me fill you in on my current isk, status?
il get back to you guys this friday then, and i promise its this friday now in two weeks or anything.
oh yeah, also have this.

I really really like Marvel zombies,
artwork is creepy as fuck. But i like
like awhole two weeks or something & im very sorry blog.
tbh, ive actually quite missed you
so let me fill you in on my current isk, status?
- Ive been off this for awhile because over the past few weeks ive had quite alot of deadlines for pieces of random coursework. So i thought it was probably best i focused myself on what was most important. I know thats the lamest excuse since, as someone pointed out, it takes like 2 mins to do this but anything with me is a potential distraction & well i really just wanted to avoid everything i possibly could at that time. So yeah, i still have another deadline this friday for a load of graphics but i will post up today and then probably again friday, when i will finally be a free man ;)
- As well as sorting out coursework ive also just tried to sort myself out in general. I need to stop being such a bastard since its ruining stuff for me quite alot, plus i dont want to turn into PURE HATE. so yeah just trying to organise stuff out and just generally working out what i want right now. Its still kind of blurred right now really. Its a problem cause i tend to bottle rather than talking or releasing stuff, so its kinda hard sometimes.
- The drawing has been halted too, thanks to coursework. But ive taken the oppurtunity to again, look into some comic book artists styles and read a few comics that i hadn't got round too. From this friday i will be drawing again properly. Ive been doing the odd sketch everyday but yeah, back to going for it properly is best if i want to improve.
- Right now, im actually in the money. I did a few extra bits & pieces and ive managed to get hold of me some real money ;) It feels nice though, having quite alot but actually knowing its all actually been earnt for myself. Idk what to do with it though, i was so hoping for a camcorder but my views and plans have been skewed since i found out a few things and i think its best i get into my filmmaking course first before i buy my own. Get to grips first and all that. I woudnt mind buying a Ps3 but i feel so geeky doing that. im not really sure.
il get back to you guys this friday then, and i promise its this friday now in two weeks or anything.
oh yeah, also have this.
I really really like Marvel zombies,
artwork is creepy as fuck. But i like
Sunday, 9 March 2008
holy shit.
ive finallyyyy got rid of my nintendo wii, and its about time. That means that now i also have enough to order myself some digital camcorder.
so that means me + haz + miles + various other SWEET/WICKED/COOL people can make some really lame videos, i can't wait. it's gunna be awesome. I dont have any software or w/e but im got movie maker so that'l do (:
ive gotta re-record alex's media stuff for him as well so having a proper 'corder and the tripod should make that a helluva lot easier now, and either way it was really fun last time so it should be cool this time as well. especially if i stay round miles again. Last time we thought it would be easier to get up early if we just didnt sleep at all, which yeah, is just pretty fucking ridiculous
and the whole day was just good in general.
anyway, my weekend also has been fine.
working yesterday was really good, god i love saying that. i took advantage of the whole ' you can have free stuff' thign this week though, so i filled up my bag with stuff. i mean its only fruit etc but then its also free so AWESOME.
& today i had miles over to sort out are music gcse piece since its like months late or something. We sorted out a song , evil by Interpol, but we didnt practise at all. instead we played a 'version' of slamball, which you should all youtube cause its an awesome sport. out version was nothign like it though. it was worse. but still somehow fun (:

right, im off to do my daily draw an object thing.
ive finallyyyy got rid of my nintendo wii, and its about time. That means that now i also have enough to order myself some digital camcorder.
so that means me + haz + miles + various other SWEET/WICKED/COOL people can make some really lame videos, i can't wait. it's gunna be awesome. I dont have any software or w/e but im got movie maker so that'l do (:
ive gotta re-record alex's media stuff for him as well so having a proper 'corder and the tripod should make that a helluva lot easier now, and either way it was really fun last time so it should be cool this time as well. especially if i stay round miles again. Last time we thought it would be easier to get up early if we just didnt sleep at all, which yeah, is just pretty fucking ridiculous
and the whole day was just good in general.
anyway, my weekend also has been fine.
working yesterday was really good, god i love saying that. i took advantage of the whole ' you can have free stuff' thign this week though, so i filled up my bag with stuff. i mean its only fruit etc but then its also free so AWESOME.
& today i had miles over to sort out are music gcse piece since its like months late or something. We sorted out a song , evil by Interpol, but we didnt practise at all. instead we played a 'version' of slamball, which you should all youtube cause its an awesome sport. out version was nothign like it though. it was worse. but still somehow fun (:
right, im off to do my daily draw an object thing.
Thursday, 6 March 2008
Man, tf2 is awesome.
I really enjoyed that last night with sam & miles. IT WAS FUN. Although it was so annoying at first with my internets very close to death experience :/
Turns out my brother was being lame and using bitTorrent again, which means no-one else int he house should even attempt to use a computer
but yeah it was cool once i got on there, and i had alot of fun.
Same again tonight please.
So day off today,
this means PIZZA HUT.
And seriously, I LOVE PIZZA HUT.
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Furze lane.
im real tired tonight, so imma head of the computer soon.
im really looking forward to getting in bed, i need to do loads of things before i can though D:
So i got another message from Tony Moore today, which was super awesome.
He's given me something to do which will apparently help with my drawing alot. Luckily it was very similar to what ive been doing since yesterday. So its been quite good to get into (:
Im really getting into it this time round, its becoming more fun & enjoyable. Just gotta keep practising, thats my weak point.
Today was also quite good anyway, nothing went wrong that i can remember
also, i ate alot of cookies.
they were very nice cookies.
Oh yeah.
I mentioned you (:
im real tired tonight, so imma head of the computer soon.
im really looking forward to getting in bed, i need to do loads of things before i can though D:
So i got another message from Tony Moore today, which was super awesome.
He's given me something to do which will apparently help with my drawing alot. Luckily it was very similar to what ive been doing since yesterday. So its been quite good to get into (:
Im really getting into it this time round, its becoming more fun & enjoyable. Just gotta keep practising, thats my weak point.
Today was also quite good anyway, nothing went wrong that i can remember
also, i ate alot of cookies.
they were very nice cookies.
Oh yeah.
I mentioned you (:
Monday, 3 March 2008
Where's the Reset button?
Okay, ive finally started up the drawing again and got
so congrats to me for being lame.
anyway yeah
the first section is all about wording and the like.
So ive learnt what the different parts of a comic are called
like all the names for panels etc. Then it goes onto different types of shots, sort of like in filming. Where you get like a medium shot or a long shot.
So ive gone over that stuff and now im on section 2, which is the first drawing part. Its all about perception and giving an object a look of weight rather than just looking flat. Its about thinking through the object itself and making it feel real.
So yeah this is one of the longer more thoughtful sections
so congrats to me for being lame.
anyway yeah
the first section is all about wording and the like.
So ive learnt what the different parts of a comic are called
like all the names for panels etc. Then it goes onto different types of shots, sort of like in filming. Where you get like a medium shot or a long shot.
So ive gone over that stuff and now im on section 2, which is the first drawing part. Its all about perception and giving an object a look of weight rather than just looking flat. Its about thinking through the object itself and making it feel real.
So yeah this is one of the longer more thoughtful sections
Sunday, 2 March 2008
Saving is very lame.
Soon. Very very soon.
I seriously hate saving. I mean i went into town and i saw everything id like right now, literally. I wanted to buy so many cd's & dvds & bits of clothing it was insane. Btw hmv have a cool 2 for £10 deal going on, its awesome stuff.
I know it'll be worth it in a few weeks, like when im finally holding THE SUPER CAMCORDER. But up until then i have to try and hide from all sweeeeet money related things, and unluckily most things i like cost money D:
Imma do this anyway though, cause i realllly want this camcorder already ;)
Ive finally finished watching absolutely everything on that dvd set that you possibly can. It was really good, it's one of those shows you can watch soo many times and if anything it gets better with every viewing. Its made my evenings this week SUPER COOL.
Shame i don't have anything else to watch now though.
Although i could watch the I.t Crowd but its not really the same. I liked my firefly >____<
Tonight is Wii night, and by that i mean i activate the one week bidding session for it.
Hopefully something will come up.
I really really need it to sell if i want this camcorder. Its basically 2/3 of the money for it
'Fingers crossed'
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