Sunday, 27 July 2008

# hoppípolla - hopping into puddles

I like the fact that i can write this as if im writing a book, or a story about something. I know that there are only about two people who read this and yet what i write sounds like its for thousands. This blog has given me a way of writing stuff down and i really enjoy it, I didn't think I would but I do. Im trying not to let it die. Sorry, that sounds really heavy for my blog. okay.

Anyway, if you read this you may remember a while back I wrote about going to chichester with my best friend miles and then also meeting millie for the first time. Since then she's become a really close friend and the past many months have been full of good times. The point of this is that she left to go to greece then return back home to australia yesterday and so me, miles & luke (my other best friend) had a small meal and stuff at miles' house over thursday night for her, now with July 24th being named Millie day. It was a really awesome night and it was really good fun. It was a nice way to end seeing her here in england.

so yeah, although she probably wont see this, this one post is for millie. Im going to miss her a hell of a lot. I hope I will see her again some time in the future, I really do. Thank you for all of the great memories & Good luck with everything.

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

The Youth

I just drew something guys.




The weather sucks right now. I guess im expecting it to be kinda bright and sunny since it's leading up to summer and stuff? But its like the opposite atm, has been for a few days now. I guess its most annoying because it means that i can't go out skateboarding most of the time because pretty much everything is wet. I should probably look for somewhere to skate thats under cover.

but yeah w/e. Today was cool. Since ive been inside alot recently, enjoying this new lazy lifestyle, I though I should probably get out somewhere for a little bit. So after lying about taking in my daily E4 (I now know far too much about one tree hill) i caught a bus into Gunwharf. Seriously though, I wont go into it but today reminded me of just why i usually hate buses, & they're drivers. Gunwharf was good though. I had abit of money as well which mean't i could do something/buy something. So i went to hmv first. I now have completed my Radiohead album collection. Which im very proud of, I also have a few different remix albums/Ep's too. I also picked up another Sigur Ros album & Battles album - Mirrored. After that I moved to zavvi. I went there cause I knew a friend was doing work experience there and it was partially why I chose gunwharf. So i talked for alittle bit to her which was good. Then i picked up House seasons 1 - 3. It was £25. I mean thats a pretty big amount of so who woudn't?
Im gunna be watching that for this week (:

I don't know if anyone else gets this, but on my way out of Gunwharf I saw this person and im sure i recognised them. But they looked alot different. I don't know how that works but its like i think i know them even though they look nothing like they did?
That probably makes no sense when im trying to write it down.

Right, i just ate pizza hut and now im stuffed. Im going to sit on my bed with the laptop for the night again. see ya'

Saturday, 5 July 2008

bill bailey

Never mind the buzzcocks wont ever get old. Theres an episode with laruen laverne that ive seen far too many times that is still pretty awesome every time. Also shes pretty hot guys, in a strange 'im slightly many but also funny' kind of way. i like it. Although i really like the new series with Simon amstell, I still think that Mark lamarr is probably the best host for that show. idk whether its his anger and depresseion that make his humour just seem so funny.

Another programme i started watching again recently was Futurama. I got out an old box-set and I can remember exactly why i loved that tv show. Fry & bender are two awesome characters and i would probably marry both of them if they were real. they're just that cool.

I want to go see Hancock. It looks funny
& Wall-E
& The Hulk
& probably alot of other stuff.

well im gunna go watch some more tv
(theres a guy on tv with glasses I would very much like to own)

Tuesday, 1 July 2008


Im not gunna get my computer working again for awhile I don't think. It seems like what fixed it before is not working at all this time. It really sucks cause with all my music and pretty much my life on there im really bored constantly at home. I miss it :/
Working on the laptop is kinda cool, like being able to sit on my bed and watch a movie whilst on here is a bonus. But its kind of uncomfortable & also i con't really do what i want to because its not mine. I need a quick fix for my desktop.

Today was induction to college day and I think overall Portsmouth college is gunna be pretty sweet. Graphics especially looked so fucking awesome, I really liked working on the Macs as well. I think they will make grpahics work helluva alot more accesible and quiker to carry out. Theres some pretty cool people going as well, so imma have to make some new friends

I watched Sahara last night. Thats another bonus to not having my computer. Im catching up on a lot of movies I wanted to see. I think tonight i might watch the second Fantastic Four movie, It's supposed to suck, even compared to the first which was pretty bad. But i want to see it for myself. Il also see whats gunna be on film four. They have some cool ones on recently.
