Sunday, 10 August 2008

The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning

Ive watched the Watchmen trailer far too many times since its come out now. I think its like 33 times now or something, w/e it is, its ridiculous. It does look like an awesome film. I saw The Dark Knight recently and it was pretty much perfect. I know it sounds like im going with the hype but Ledger pulled of the Joker as best as I can imagine, he was fucking awesome. Even the parts that wern't very 'cinematic' were really involving because of Ledger. I just thought that movie was awesome.

so with that I can only expect great things from Watchmen. Its from the same director as 300 or something and that film was really good. Its another year from releasing too which I dont really mind cause its more time for it too become super cool

Right, im not gunna be posting on you for two days or something cause im having crazy fun at alton towers guys

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