Sunday, 7 September 2008


September came around pretty quickly, most likely because i wanted it too. Freshers day, as well as the first day of actual college, have been already. College so far has been a big change to what im used too. It's alot better than school and my timetable seems like its going to work really well. Im now enroled to do Graphics, Media Studies, English Literature and Digital Film Making. So far though ive only had a lesson in Graphics and English lit. My lit class seem pretty cool but the teacher is pretty odd. I mean ive been told that she is really good at what she does, and you can see that, but she also acts really wierdly and theres something crazy about her. I have two teachers though so i'll also get another woman to even that out, luckily. There was this girl in the class who im sure seemed so familar but i coudn't place why or how. Later on though she started laughing and I immediately knew who she was. The english work seems pretty good too. Ive started reading a book called 'Enduring Love'. Its actually pretty good, well ive got into it now.
Graphics is really good. I havn't actually done anything like work yet, but just being told what it is I will be eventually sounds really good and im sure im going to get into it. The only downside was realising that i need to get a camera that I can use to take all the pictures i use with but also one that can have the images enlarged to a good size. I found a shoop that does a good one and luckily for me the girl in there i talked too had done the exact course with the camera she was showing me. So at least i know it will be alright for it. But yeah it costs £280. Which, with everything else i need right now, doesn't help. Its gunna be sweet when everythings sorted out though.

so yeah, college is a big change. its a better one too though

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