Sunday, 19 October 2008

Written Upside Down

After months of not buying any games, or really playing any either, im actually enjoying the fact that I can't wait for the next couple of releases I like. Mainly for this friday, when hopefully I will arrive home to a lovely copy of Fable 2 on my doorstep. I played the first one to absolute death and over the past few days I decided to check out a few videos of some of the stuff to do and whats accesible in number 2. After doing this I now can't wait. It looks like its gunna be alot of fun to play and i can imagine my social life (or what there is of it) is going to wilter and die for a few days if not more. Im actually excited.
Plus then theres Gears 2 which is still a little while off but still looks pretty good. Im hoping it will get me back into playing with friends every so often again, since that was alot of fun. Also Fallout 3 looks sweet, its the one i know the least about but ive seen some clips and it does look like it would be fun to play. I like the openess of it, as with Fable 2.

Today I visited my grandad up at the new home he moved too. It's the first time ive had a chance to go up there. My family go up alot but they always have picked days when im either working or at college so obviously I was pretty happy that ive finally had the chance to see him. When i got there it was pretty uncomfortable, he's not the same person anymore at all. Most of the traces of him are gone now, he can't really remember much at all & you hardly hear him speak unless its just noises accompanied with hand gestures. I always feel really awkward in situations like that, when everyone else does the whole repeating questions thing and trying to get answers for them. I definitly enjoyed seeing him, I wanted to make to sure i did and im going to make sure i go more often, but it was really hard. I hate seeing him get worse and its just the truth that he can only get ever more so. I miss him alot just when i don't see him every so often.

Its almost half-term now. Im gunna spend alot of it doing work by the sounds of it but im still looking forward to the break. It'll be nice to relax for abit and just enjoy a few things.

I need some food.

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