Wednesday, 26 November 2008

I want I want

Justice amazed me this week. A Cross The Universe is well worth the £11.99 that it costs, both the Cd and Dvd are both absolutely brilliant. The dvd makes me want to be awesome and tour places, why do they have to be so cool, why?


This week pretty much any drawing skills i had managed to obtain through stealing peoples abilities have all diminshed and wiltered away to nothing. Every single time ive sat down and tried to draw something it just seems to look so horribly bad. The only reason this is bad is because, well its just bad, but also because IT REALLY PISSES ME OFF KHSKJHKJSFKJHBKJHF. I really really wish i could. Im still going to try and stick with it, but honest to god i may also have to take up some sort of sick side hobbie to counteract all of the frustration and anger. I may also buy some paints or something, just to give it ago here and there.

Im off to punch one of my brothers.

Monday, 17 November 2008


Time is a-moving pretty fast recently, the weeks seem to come and go like they were nothing at all. Even though, at the same time, things like graphics see to be dragging on forever. Its not like im not enjoying the things we are doing but when it comes round to bookwork I really have lost all drive to complete anything, which obviously is a problem when it comes to passing the course.

Im currently continuing to try and find an image for my graphics, I enjoy doing this at home because i don't feel as creepy. I decided on doing an image of a womans face in a sort of stencil/pop art-ish style, trying to be cool. It means though, that i have to sit and sift through google searches of 'Women models + Faces + Close up' and to find anything remotely close to what i want, it also requires no filtering. This at the same time means i also just get tons of naked girls all over the screen, which i woudn't mind but its just it does give the wrong impression about what im doing to anyone who happens to give my screen a glance. Im not a sex driven pervert, i swear.


Saturday i worked again, i had last week off so this made me sad. I know i moan about this alot, but i seriously want to quit. Im just tired of the stuff i do there, its not fun and it just gets me annoyed. I did realise that i need the exercise it brings though, so im probably going to have to find something to replace that. (Huge amounts of sex). Being payed is also a bonus, i like money quite alot, id rank it somewhere up in my top five things. But yeah, after christmas or if not before, im going to start handing CV's out and have my job eye on.


Sunday, 9 November 2008

eighteen seconds before sunrise.

Last night i made my way up to Bournemouth International Centre to see Sigur Rós, a band that ive wanted to see live since i first heard them. After hearing reviews of previous stuff i has pretty good expectations of what the gig may be like. My expectations were fullfilled beyond anything, it was honest to god the best live music i have ever seen.

First up were For a Minor Reflection, of whom i had no idea were even playing or what sort of band they were. Turns out they are an icelandic post-rock band, who from what i have now found out are 'Icelands answer to Mogwai'. As a start to the gig they did an amazing job, it started of pretty quietly and slowly grew up to this really intense sound. I was already having a really good time. Their set lasted about half an hour and consisted of only a few songs but which merged together so it was pretty much constant play. After this finished i went off to get a drink as there was a short break while Sigur Rós set up.

When the time came around that they came out, everyone surged forward to get closer and luckily i got myself to a place where i could see everything. Me and my dad had split off anyway because we knew that it was going to be busy. From start to finish every single song had an energy to it that got everyone involved and was just amazing. They also use all of these stange things on stage too, camera's inside the pianos which, on the big screen behind, show whats going on as they play. Jonsi's voice is also just something else, you really have to hear it live to just experience it. Gobbledigook was the final end to the gig and it coudn't have gone any better. First of they asked everyone to clap along to the drum beat, and not one person wasn't doing it. The song continued and built up and up until at its final peak, confetti was blasted everywhere in the hall, for the duration of the rest of the song. It was just something else, ive never seen anything like it. Sigur Rós have succesfully been the most emotional, awe-striking band that i have ever seen.

Thursday, 6 November 2008


Fuck, I havn't posted up a blog in a loooooong time. Im very sorry for that. Past two or so weeks have been pretty busy, so i do have my excuses for not being on here, besides the fact that im on the internet everyday etc. Well, i shall fill in.

  • Firstly, last week was half term. Usually my half terms are alright, see friends and that, but they are never really that much. I don't tend to go out all that much anymore and well when i do it's just the same old things over and over. I don't mean to say there boring things to do, or the people im with are boring but once you've been to town once in a week, nothing changes a day or two later. So anyway this half term was alot different, it was the best i have had in yeaaaaaaaaaaars. I had many a night out, with good people, just enjoying the company and the situations. I have to say one or two of the experiences were just so god damn funny. Im deliberatly not going to go into any further details due to horrifying embarresment for myself.
  • I havn't really been in with gaming recently, i sort of dropped out of it for a long time. Over the past week though ive bought into quite a few new ones. I have played through Fable 2 and it is lovely, I was hoping for maybe a little more from it, but either way i loved playing it and it was as good if not better than the original. Secondly i have Fallout 3, which i am very confused by. Its an absolutely brilliant game, everything looks awesome in it and the controls and systems used are really interesting and fun. BUT, i can't get into it at all. I really want to play it but everytime i put it on, i just turn it off within five minutes. It doesn't seem to hold my attention for all that long at all.
  • This week back at college ive made a further attempt to speak to new people and make some new friends. So far id say its been going pretty succesfully and im very glad for it too. The people ive been talking to are really nice, im enjoying it quite alot. People are lovely.
So yeah, those are what i would call as my three main reasons for passing off writing up a new blog. And luckily for me passing it off gave me something to fill this one up with. Done.