Sunday, 9 November 2008

eighteen seconds before sunrise.

Last night i made my way up to Bournemouth International Centre to see Sigur Rós, a band that ive wanted to see live since i first heard them. After hearing reviews of previous stuff i has pretty good expectations of what the gig may be like. My expectations were fullfilled beyond anything, it was honest to god the best live music i have ever seen.

First up were For a Minor Reflection, of whom i had no idea were even playing or what sort of band they were. Turns out they are an icelandic post-rock band, who from what i have now found out are 'Icelands answer to Mogwai'. As a start to the gig they did an amazing job, it started of pretty quietly and slowly grew up to this really intense sound. I was already having a really good time. Their set lasted about half an hour and consisted of only a few songs but which merged together so it was pretty much constant play. After this finished i went off to get a drink as there was a short break while Sigur Rós set up.

When the time came around that they came out, everyone surged forward to get closer and luckily i got myself to a place where i could see everything. Me and my dad had split off anyway because we knew that it was going to be busy. From start to finish every single song had an energy to it that got everyone involved and was just amazing. They also use all of these stange things on stage too, camera's inside the pianos which, on the big screen behind, show whats going on as they play. Jonsi's voice is also just something else, you really have to hear it live to just experience it. Gobbledigook was the final end to the gig and it coudn't have gone any better. First of they asked everyone to clap along to the drum beat, and not one person wasn't doing it. The song continued and built up and up until at its final peak, confetti was blasted everywhere in the hall, for the duration of the rest of the song. It was just something else, ive never seen anything like it. Sigur Rós have succesfully been the most emotional, awe-striking band that i have ever seen.

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