Friday, 26 December 2008


Christmas day has now been and gone and boxing day too is almost over and done with now. This year has been particuarly good, I guess just because everything has been really nice and things are going well. I spent yesterday with family for the whole day at home, just sort of sitting around eating, talking & at some points sleeping. It was really nice, just quite relaxing and not too much was trying to be done. I got some really nice gifts too, i was mainly given money so i was just expecting that but the other few things i got given were really nice. Im really into this 'Watching the Watchmen' book. I love seeing all the production sketches and being able to see how it is that the characters were developed. Rorschach used to look pretty weird. Its nice having my phone too, ive moved on from the world of bricks. Its going to take me awhile to get used to texting on it now though.

Today was good as well, if not slightly unsuccessful. I went down into town with Rob & Miles to hopefully pick up some clothes on the sales. Sadly most shops had only reduced a small amount of an even smaller amount on the price. So i got one nice pair of jeans & one cheap pair, to sort of even it all out. And a belt too. I saw some really nice shoes too but until after the weekend i can't really justify myself spending £65 on shoes. They were really nice though. [Sad Face]. It was cool going out with those guys though. Bumped into Joey quickly too, which was nice.

Time for leftovers...Leftovers that will last forever. FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

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