Wednesday, 1 April 2009


I got my bike today in the end. My old one managed to rustle up £35 which sounds incredibly poor but it was incredibly shit, so i guess that evens out. The new one is pretty sexy. Its not quite as old as i was hoping for but my dad had a good argument, since he was paying for it and would of rather i got something newer that would last and keep me safe and all that 'I love you son, don't die on me' shit. But yeah, its old looking enough, and its got a sweet old man pannier rack. So i can carry bags old guy style...or tie a dog up to it in a horribly insensitive way. So yeah im happy with that. Just need to learn to ride on the roads with the big boys (and giant metal cars capable of killing me instantly)......wooo.

My media is due in tomorrow, so unlike my old post im going to cut this off to go and eat and then do it. Sorry but my love for you guys (although like a truck) is going to have to be shuffled aside for the sake of my future to complete my work.


1 comment:

LDC said...

did you get your media done!

p.s give me your bike.