Saturday, 6 June 2009

Don't re-write it.

It don't matter.

Havn't written up in a long time. Should probably note about my half-term a week ago. Family went away to cornwall for a little break away, ive already told you this bit but im writing it out again for my own purpose. As usual i wanted to stay at home because im pretty bored of cornwall really, well the same old places everytime at least. So i got Joey, Luke, Adam & Rob to come and stay out the week with me, to have a good time and keep me company. Honest to god it was once of the nicest weeks of my life. I can't say that i seem them that often outside of college all that much, especially Joey and Luke, so to be given the chance to spend some time with them was really good. I love all of their company, without them the week just would not have been at all. I got far too drunk, ate too much, enjoyed myself (what could be even too much) and just generally urgghghgh had an amazing week. I did feel the effects however, and still to this day seem to be recovering from a week of possibly the smallest amount of sleep ive had - To the dissapointment of my girlfriend of whom i have been continually falling asleep around.

My exams are all done now which is a lovely feeling. Media ended them on a positive note, the exam was actually a really nice one. I wont say it was easy, not until i get my results, but i felt like i had a good idea what i was writing about and the questions were relevant to things we had been recently looking at in lessons. I hardly went in this week. After the exams and that, i think i deserved at least one week of rest and a break. Felt pretty good. Im back in on what looks like full time table from monday though, not so good.

Work is going good, i know where food goes now. I feel like a true waitrose employee now. Hooraaaaaaaaay.

Something bigs happened and im not sure how to react to it. I have conflicting thoughts at the moment. Honestly, its like something clicked in my head and changed the way i think and im so unsure of why. Things don't feel right, im kind of worried about it.

Im cold, tired and hungry.

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