Friday, 14 August 2009


Past few hours i havn't been able to shake this weird feeling. Im not even sure what it is. It's like im worried about something thats keeping itself a secret at the back of my mind. I know what it is, but my mind wants it blocked out. I get this every so often, it never gets any less annoying than before.

My ribs really hurt for some reason too. Got this tight feeling around my lungs and i can't get comfortable. I hate moments like this.

Yesterday was good, minus the party that was fun but at the same time awful. Sometimes i struggle not to get annoyed by people, you know it's not their fault but that makes no difference at the time. I just appreciated the time with close friends. I dont think i express sometimes how much i love seeing certain people. It felt good.

Im pretty sure malls are the place to be during a zombie outbreak. This guys a fucking idiot though.

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