its gunna be preetttttyyy lamee.
So i need to get back into the swing of stuff
Ive had a proper lazy hlaf-term this time round, i mean ive still been out & seen friends etc but when ive been hom eive just eaten, slept and watched tv or played video games
Only problem has been that i have done barely any drawing
but its all coming back now.
Im not sure where to go with it though atm, i feel like going back to the start of the marvel guide and this time going through every step nice & slowly.
But im worried i will find it all too boring or something :/
il work it out this week or something (:
Ive been checking out Eagles of death Metal, they are pretty cool.
nothing like the rest of the stuff ive been listening too
but i quite like them
Im also really into Damn arms atm.
Id like to start posting this around soon.
get a view more viewers or something
cause really otherwise, theres no point me writing this.
besides for the benefits it gives me.
Oh yeah, Cats scare easily.
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