Friday, 1 February 2008

Day Ten.

The blog may get boring for awhile.
From what ive read, it's best to stick with the figure drawing (pretty much bulky stickmen) until its like 2nd nature.
and because i want this to come out best, i may be sticking with it for a longgggg time.

This gives me the chance to update on some other stuff though.
First off check out the music blog that im part of. My friends miles & rob have posted up some awesome stuff on it.
It's good. (:

Right now im watching 300 on dvd.
Seriously, i never thought a movie with half naked guys could be so good.
I'd like to read the comic though now. Its apparently really good

Also, i finally ordered some dvd's ive been wanting
  • Firefly boxset
  • I.T Crowd boxset
So some awesome stuff to watch once it arrives ;)

1 comment:

Miles Louis Baker said...


you look like a scary lady ): ): ):