Thursday, 1 January 2009


Well, Happy new year 2009. This year really has just flown past so fast, first time ive noticed just how fast time goes. Im quite sad to see this year leave if im honest too, its just that 2008 has been an amazing year, or at least towards the last few months it has. Since college started life has been on a more than often uphill path. Ive made some amazing new friends, had some amazing times and just everything is feeling really good.

I didn't bring the new year around in a very sound way this year. In fact if the start of a new year means anything to how the rest of the year is going to roll out then i should probably be crying right now. I started off at a party with a couple of good friends and, although the party itself may not have been AMAZING, i was enjoying being with people and seeing old friends again. Later on though i really really wanted to see my girlfriend and so was going to meet her near to where she was. This just happened to be quite a way off from where i was. So making my way to see her awful timing occured and my parents happened to drive past and see me, they called me up and questioned if it was me and being the drunken idiot that i was, i told them 'no that must of been someone else, im still at the party'. BIG FUCKING MISTAKE. Looking back at that part after talking to them, if i had just been honest they woudn't have minded but thanks to my lie they decided to investigate and drove back around and caught up with me. I was then taken into the car and driven home. At that point being really drunk, dissapointing my family, lying & anything else attached were just the least of my worries. I really wanted to see Caitlin and all chance of that had been killed. It was pretty annoying. All in all though, the night was hilarious. I have a tendency to make stupid decisions when im drunk recently and even i am starting to see a funny side in it. I shoudn't.

Im determined this year, as you do, to change a few things around and hopefully sort out parts of myself that could do with reshaping or reorganising. I don't have one particular resolution so i will just point my few things.

  • I need exercise, lots & lots of exercise. I need to find a gym thats affordable to use and start going there weekly. I woudn't mind giving skateboarding another push too, its pretty good fun and it would be another source of exercise.
  • Quit from the veg shop into another, more reliable job. Hopefully also better paid. Got to just finish touching up my CV and start handing around and ringing places. Being more confident.
  • Confidence in general too. Stop pussy footing around everything and not being able to say accurately how i feel. Learn to say no once in awhile.
  • Keep going with the art related stuff, especially the drawing. I just need to keep it frequent, i keep taking breaks from it for too long and 'forgetting' what ive learnt works and what doesn't.
  • DSLR - I bought it to take photos so i shall take it around with me to places and try out some super cool photography stuff. Im not bothered about being too fancy, id just like to be able to take a good photo. It'll help for graphics as well.
  • Work harder at college, especially with time handling/management. Ive got too into the way of just pushing things further and further back and then having to rush them close to a deadline. I need to be more organized about all of my work.
Theres probably more but that seems like enough listing of my flaws. So that right there is my list of changes to make and i will do my best to carry them out. Not all at once obviously, that would be asking too much of myself, but slowly im going to try and work through them.

Anyway, if you read my blog then your one of my close friends, and so just know i really do appreciate all the times ive had with you each individualy over this past year. Some i know better than others but regardless, you all mean alot to me in your own ways. So thank you for everything.

Im so happy with most aspects of my life at the moment.

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