Christmas day has now been and gone and boxing day too is almost over and done with now. This year has been particuarly good, I guess just because everything has been really nice and things are going well. I spent yesterday with family for the whole day at home, just sort of sitting around eating, talking & at some points sleeping. It was really nice, just quite relaxing and not too much was trying to be done. I got some really nice gifts too, i was mainly given money so i was just expecting that but the other few things i got given were really nice. Im really into this 'Watching the Watchmen' book. I love seeing all the production sketches and being able to see how it is that the characters were developed. Rorschach used to look pretty weird. Its nice having my phone too, ive moved on from the world of bricks. Its going to take me awhile to get used to texting on it now though.
Today was good as well, if not slightly unsuccessful. I went down into town with Rob & Miles to hopefully pick up some clothes on the sales. Sadly most shops had only reduced a small amount of an even smaller amount on the price. So i got one nice pair of jeans & one cheap pair, to sort of even it all out. And a belt too. I saw some really nice shoes too but until after the weekend i can't really justify myself spending £65 on shoes. They were really nice though. [Sad Face]. It was cool going out with those guys though. Bumped into Joey quickly too, which was nice.
Time for leftovers...Leftovers that will last forever. FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
Friday, 26 December 2008
Friday, 19 December 2008
I do feel like im building up confidence recently, although it may appear quite the opposite in person. Ive sort of been getting abit of self-confidence, at times, as well as feeling like i can achieve a little more in certain things. Its been a pretty good week.
I had a really really long walk on tuesday morning. I had intended to go into palmerston road to pick up pva glue for an outfit i was making but my search had failed so i decided to just leave it, get myself a nice costa and just walk home. I then decided that i would get the biggest coffee possible and then take an extra long route home. Its the first time ive done that in a very long time, especially on my own like that and it was actually so enjoyable. The fresh air and the clearness to think was really nice. I thought about alot too. I had a really good day at college after it too. I got to spend some time after college with someone, it coudn't have been better in my mind. I really do like her.
Today was also i think the best way college could have ended. I didn't do particuarly much but im so used to leaving school and things at the end of terms feeling like things are unsolved and left untouched. It felt really good leaving today though, I guess because i know im going to see people and just because im really looking forward to this break away. I went to town with a few people and just spent it walking around looking in various shops, not with anything in mind but just for the sake of it. I had another quiet moment but i wont go into that because i really can't be bothered. It was a good day though, i really enjoyed it.
Work tomorrow and then Andrew Li's for his 19th. Im pretty psyched about it.
I had a really really long walk on tuesday morning. I had intended to go into palmerston road to pick up pva glue for an outfit i was making but my search had failed so i decided to just leave it, get myself a nice costa and just walk home. I then decided that i would get the biggest coffee possible and then take an extra long route home. Its the first time ive done that in a very long time, especially on my own like that and it was actually so enjoyable. The fresh air and the clearness to think was really nice. I thought about alot too. I had a really good day at college after it too. I got to spend some time after college with someone, it coudn't have been better in my mind. I really do like her.
Today was also i think the best way college could have ended. I didn't do particuarly much but im so used to leaving school and things at the end of terms feeling like things are unsolved and left untouched. It felt really good leaving today though, I guess because i know im going to see people and just because im really looking forward to this break away. I went to town with a few people and just spent it walking around looking in various shops, not with anything in mind but just for the sake of it. I had another quiet moment but i wont go into that because i really can't be bothered. It was a good day though, i really enjoyed it.
Work tomorrow and then Andrew Li's for his 19th. Im pretty psyched about it.
Monday, 15 December 2008
Sometimes i wish i could take everything apart. Not just material objects but people and ways of thinking and ways of life. I wish i could set it all out in front of me and see what makes everything what it really is and what things really mean. Being able to do that would mean i could understand how everything worked and why it did. Its so hard to understand everything sometimes, it's all covered in so many layers that its impossible to work out whats really going on underneath.
Or maybe its the way i work that makes things like that. What if its not that things are complicated at all but instead its my own way of working that just makes it all appear that way. I wish i could even understand that properly.
Im doing it again.
Or maybe its the way i work that makes things like that. What if its not that things are complicated at all but instead its my own way of working that just makes it all appear that way. I wish i could even understand that properly.
Im doing it again.
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Well i didn't post in a few days and wow, what a few days its been. hah. It's been one of those weekends where like you head towards it thinking you have an idea of how it's all going to open out & whats going to go on but when you get round to it, some seriously fucked up stuff happens and its all really odd.
Anyway to get into it, Friday night to a point was really good. I went into town with a group of people which was really good and it gave me a chance to catch up with someone i havn't had a chance to speak to much recently which was really honestly nice. Plus it was just enjoyable walking around, besides the stress of christmas shopping, its nice walking about in town with the lights and german market, it's a good atmosphere. After town though, we went back to houses before making a move to the balti house. We had to wait ages for a table but once we sat down it was all good. On the way back i finally had enough courage to spend some better time with a certain person too, i really do like her...alotttttttttttt. But yeah then some chavs fucked everything up by threatening my friend, im really not sure what happened and what was being held, but they apparently were holding a knife to him or something. It was not fun. I ended up ringing my dad because we were so close to my house. So yeah, Friday, besides the obvious parts, was really enjoyable. Just a little on the violent side towards the end.
Last night i went to a girls party, of which was the first party where ive remained sober in a very long time. It was not my turn to be the first to throw up today (SWEET). IT was okay though, i mean i just walked about and talked to people which was nice, and i drank enough just to be sort of 'merry'. It was a good night i guess.
Today i did most of my christmas shopping. It was pretty boring really but its all part of it so whatever. I don't mind really. okayokayokay, should really do some graphics or something like that.
Anyway to get into it, Friday night to a point was really good. I went into town with a group of people which was really good and it gave me a chance to catch up with someone i havn't had a chance to speak to much recently which was really honestly nice. Plus it was just enjoyable walking around, besides the stress of christmas shopping, its nice walking about in town with the lights and german market, it's a good atmosphere. After town though, we went back to houses before making a move to the balti house. We had to wait ages for a table but once we sat down it was all good. On the way back i finally had enough courage to spend some better time with a certain person too, i really do like her...alotttttttttttt. But yeah then some chavs fucked everything up by threatening my friend, im really not sure what happened and what was being held, but they apparently were holding a knife to him or something. It was not fun. I ended up ringing my dad because we were so close to my house. So yeah, Friday, besides the obvious parts, was really enjoyable. Just a little on the violent side towards the end.
Last night i went to a girls party, of which was the first party where ive remained sober in a very long time. It was not my turn to be the first to throw up today (SWEET). IT was okay though, i mean i just walked about and talked to people which was nice, and i drank enough just to be sort of 'merry'. It was a good night i guess.
Today i did most of my christmas shopping. It was pretty boring really but its all part of it so whatever. I don't mind really. okayokayokay, should really do some graphics or something like that.
Monday, 8 December 2008
______ For Thrills
Im still in a good place at the moment i think. Well everything is feeling okay and seem to be moving along at a speed i could get used too. Obviously there are still things i feel are left untouched and avoided, which id really rather get into the air and out of the way, but from what i can tell i really can't see that happening anymore. Its a real shame really. Aside from that though, all is good.
I did manage to hunt down some paints in the end, i can't say theres much of a selection of colours but they are still useable - especially as they are just for me to get comfortable with. I really want my drawing to pick up soon though, all these ideas for different things i have in my head are usually hindered by my lack of artistic abilities. You could say im in a state of progression, but it's really quite slow. Still i have alot of motivation now so il just try and keep that, it's coming in very handy right now! As well as my own artistic developments, ive also been following that of others alot recently. I have quite a few websites for some really different and interesting graphic designers which feature a really broad range of styles of art...all of which create an oversized sense of jealousy within. hah. I also picked up a few graphic magazines but i had seen these before and had always wanted to pick one up so i decided it was about time i finally did. It was totally worth the money it cost me.
College work is going alright too i guess. Im not really anymore up to date in my more creative lessons, most of my books are still left empty and lonely, longing to be filled up. I think im going to get quite alot done this week though, if i stick to what i have planned to do and when. Large chance it wont though, its college after all.
I think your lovely.
I did manage to hunt down some paints in the end, i can't say theres much of a selection of colours but they are still useable - especially as they are just for me to get comfortable with. I really want my drawing to pick up soon though, all these ideas for different things i have in my head are usually hindered by my lack of artistic abilities. You could say im in a state of progression, but it's really quite slow. Still i have alot of motivation now so il just try and keep that, it's coming in very handy right now! As well as my own artistic developments, ive also been following that of others alot recently. I have quite a few websites for some really different and interesting graphic designers which feature a really broad range of styles of art...all of which create an oversized sense of jealousy within. hah. I also picked up a few graphic magazines but i had seen these before and had always wanted to pick one up so i decided it was about time i finally did. It was totally worth the money it cost me.
College work is going alright too i guess. Im not really anymore up to date in my more creative lessons, most of my books are still left empty and lonely, longing to be filled up. I think im going to get quite alot done this week though, if i stick to what i have planned to do and when. Large chance it wont though, its college after all.
I think your lovely.
Friday, 5 December 2008
Die Ausstrahlung von Allure
I have to say this week has been a real mixture of emotions etc for me. I can't believe that its only been a week since this time last week either, i can remember last friday so clearly and yet it feels like it was so long ago. From the start of the week i felt absolutely terrible and just my emotions were sort of jumbled around, then to like wednesday when i just wanted to give up on almost everything, and then to today. Right now i feel really good, better than i have in awhile. I sort of feel like i have a reason to push again.
Today was nice. I spent some time with someone i really really like and its going good. If you could see the smile on my face as i write this up you would be able to tell so easily. Eh, i wont even go into it, i hate sounding like a sad person going on and on.
Im going to apply to Calvin Klein Underwear on sunday i believe, so if you want your 'pouch' measured, i might be your man. Fingers crossed.
Today was nice. I spent some time with someone i really really like and its going good. If you could see the smile on my face as i write this up you would be able to tell so easily. Eh, i wont even go into it, i hate sounding like a sad person going on and on.
Im going to apply to Calvin Klein Underwear on sunday i believe, so if you want your 'pouch' measured, i might be your man. Fingers crossed.
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
I felt absolutely terrible when i got up this morning. It's honestly been the worst ive felt in god knows how long. I kept thinking i was about to throw up everywhere but whenever i ran to a toilet i just coudn't, it was bad. I think its just down to the lack of sleep and just overall effect on my head the weekend had, it really was a crazy weekend, good fun but got it was heavy.
Im paying for some of it at college with all the comments i guess im going to receive for awhile and luckily i don't mind most of them, i find it all quite funny anyway.
But just to ensure this isn't two horribly depressing posts in a row, towards the end of the day i cheered up alot. I felt alot better and just yeah. I liked probably the last parts of lunch etc, they put a smile on my face.
Im paying for some of it at college with all the comments i guess im going to receive for awhile and luckily i don't mind most of them, i find it all quite funny anyway.
But just to ensure this isn't two horribly depressing posts in a row, towards the end of the day i cheered up alot. I felt alot better and just yeah. I liked probably the last parts of lunch etc, they put a smile on my face.
Monday, 1 December 2008
Forgive any horribly obvious grammatical mistakes in this post, and for anything odd i say. I have had the most full weekend of my life and im on my 40-something hour of no sleep for josh time. It has killed my brain. Plus theres the fact that the things in my head right now are so fucked.
I just came home from Blackpool, a place ive never been before. Its funny how moving slightly up a country, things just change, just all of it. People are very different up there and from what i saw most are also very old too. It was like the Isle of Wight if it wasn't an island. Anyway, i went up there for the funeral of my Aunt Alma Lord, shes not actually my auntie but my family have this weird thing of sticking with those family name tags. I didn't know her that well, just saw her on the family events and meet ups. Of course this didn't mean that i didn't feel sad, it just meant that my emotional attachment was slightly weaker and thus i didn't appear as affected. When i got there though i met her husband Phillip. Ive met him a few times but ive never actually sat and talked to him. The worst part for me was that id never realised that they had been married for 68 years. How do you recover from that? it gets me every single time. Spending that amount of time with someone, such a large part of your life, for them to just not be around? I give him so much respect for how he was handling everything, he was just carrying on with his life in the only way he could. When he cried in front of me was the first time i felt a real rush of sadness, and i know it will sound all pathetic to anyone reading this, but i really did. I kept thinking about my grandad. Right il end this depressing part short, before i and you get emotionally drained.
I don't feel like writing any more. Maybe tomorrow.
I just came home from Blackpool, a place ive never been before. Its funny how moving slightly up a country, things just change, just all of it. People are very different up there and from what i saw most are also very old too. It was like the Isle of Wight if it wasn't an island. Anyway, i went up there for the funeral of my Aunt Alma Lord, shes not actually my auntie but my family have this weird thing of sticking with those family name tags. I didn't know her that well, just saw her on the family events and meet ups. Of course this didn't mean that i didn't feel sad, it just meant that my emotional attachment was slightly weaker and thus i didn't appear as affected. When i got there though i met her husband Phillip. Ive met him a few times but ive never actually sat and talked to him. The worst part for me was that id never realised that they had been married for 68 years. How do you recover from that? it gets me every single time. Spending that amount of time with someone, such a large part of your life, for them to just not be around? I give him so much respect for how he was handling everything, he was just carrying on with his life in the only way he could. When he cried in front of me was the first time i felt a real rush of sadness, and i know it will sound all pathetic to anyone reading this, but i really did. I kept thinking about my grandad. Right il end this depressing part short, before i and you get emotionally drained.
I don't feel like writing any more. Maybe tomorrow.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
I want I want
Justice amazed me this week. A Cross The Universe is well worth the £11.99 that it costs, both the Cd and Dvd are both absolutely brilliant. The dvd makes me want to be awesome and tour places, why do they have to be so cool, why?
This week pretty much any drawing skills i had managed to obtain through stealing peoples abilities have all diminshed and wiltered away to nothing. Every single time ive sat down and tried to draw something it just seems to look so horribly bad. The only reason this is bad is because, well its just bad, but also because IT REALLY PISSES ME OFF KHSKJHKJSFKJHBKJHF. I really really wish i could. Im still going to try and stick with it, but honest to god i may also have to take up some sort of sick side hobbie to counteract all of the frustration and anger. I may also buy some paints or something, just to give it ago here and there.
Im off to punch one of my brothers.
This week pretty much any drawing skills i had managed to obtain through stealing peoples abilities have all diminshed and wiltered away to nothing. Every single time ive sat down and tried to draw something it just seems to look so horribly bad. The only reason this is bad is because, well its just bad, but also because IT REALLY PISSES ME OFF KHSKJHKJSFKJHBKJHF. I really really wish i could. Im still going to try and stick with it, but honest to god i may also have to take up some sort of sick side hobbie to counteract all of the frustration and anger. I may also buy some paints or something, just to give it ago here and there.
Im off to punch one of my brothers.
Monday, 17 November 2008
Time is a-moving pretty fast recently, the weeks seem to come and go like they were nothing at all. Even though, at the same time, things like graphics see to be dragging on forever. Its not like im not enjoying the things we are doing but when it comes round to bookwork I really have lost all drive to complete anything, which obviously is a problem when it comes to passing the course.
Im currently continuing to try and find an image for my graphics, I enjoy doing this at home because i don't feel as creepy. I decided on doing an image of a womans face in a sort of stencil/pop art-ish style, trying to be cool. It means though, that i have to sit and sift through google searches of 'Women models + Faces + Close up' and to find anything remotely close to what i want, it also requires no filtering. This at the same time means i also just get tons of naked girls all over the screen, which i woudn't mind but its just it does give the wrong impression about what im doing to anyone who happens to give my screen a glance. Im not a sex driven pervert, i swear.
Saturday i worked again, i had last week off so this made me sad. I know i moan about this alot, but i seriously want to quit. Im just tired of the stuff i do there, its not fun and it just gets me annoyed. I did realise that i need the exercise it brings though, so im probably going to have to find something to replace that. (Huge amounts of sex). Being payed is also a bonus, i like money quite alot, id rank it somewhere up in my top five things. But yeah, after christmas or if not before, im going to start handing CV's out and have my job eye on.
Im currently continuing to try and find an image for my graphics, I enjoy doing this at home because i don't feel as creepy. I decided on doing an image of a womans face in a sort of stencil/pop art-ish style, trying to be cool. It means though, that i have to sit and sift through google searches of 'Women models + Faces + Close up' and to find anything remotely close to what i want, it also requires no filtering. This at the same time means i also just get tons of naked girls all over the screen, which i woudn't mind but its just it does give the wrong impression about what im doing to anyone who happens to give my screen a glance. Im not a sex driven pervert, i swear.
Saturday i worked again, i had last week off so this made me sad. I know i moan about this alot, but i seriously want to quit. Im just tired of the stuff i do there, its not fun and it just gets me annoyed. I did realise that i need the exercise it brings though, so im probably going to have to find something to replace that. (Huge amounts of sex). Being payed is also a bonus, i like money quite alot, id rank it somewhere up in my top five things. But yeah, after christmas or if not before, im going to start handing CV's out and have my job eye on.
Sunday, 9 November 2008
eighteen seconds before sunrise.
Last night i made my way up to Bournemouth International Centre to see Sigur Rós, a band that ive wanted to see live since i first heard them. After hearing reviews of previous stuff i has pretty good expectations of what the gig may be like. My expectations were fullfilled beyond anything, it was honest to god the best live music i have ever seen.
First up were For a Minor Reflection, of whom i had no idea were even playing or what sort of band they were. Turns out they are an icelandic post-rock band, who from what i have now found out are 'Icelands answer to Mogwai'. As a start to the gig they did an amazing job, it started of pretty quietly and slowly grew up to this really intense sound. I was already having a really good time. Their set lasted about half an hour and consisted of only a few songs but which merged together so it was pretty much constant play. After this finished i went off to get a drink as there was a short break while Sigur Rós set up.
When the time came around that they came out, everyone surged forward to get closer and luckily i got myself to a place where i could see everything. Me and my dad had split off anyway because we knew that it was going to be busy. From start to finish every single song had an energy to it that got everyone involved and was just amazing. They also use all of these stange things on stage too, camera's inside the pianos which, on the big screen behind, show whats going on as they play. Jonsi's voice is also just something else, you really have to hear it live to just experience it. Gobbledigook was the final end to the gig and it coudn't have gone any better. First of they asked everyone to clap along to the drum beat, and not one person wasn't doing it. The song continued and built up and up until at its final peak, confetti was blasted everywhere in the hall, for the duration of the rest of the song. It was just something else, ive never seen anything like it. Sigur Rós have succesfully been the most emotional, awe-striking band that i have ever seen.
First up were For a Minor Reflection, of whom i had no idea were even playing or what sort of band they were. Turns out they are an icelandic post-rock band, who from what i have now found out are 'Icelands answer to Mogwai'. As a start to the gig they did an amazing job, it started of pretty quietly and slowly grew up to this really intense sound. I was already having a really good time. Their set lasted about half an hour and consisted of only a few songs but which merged together so it was pretty much constant play. After this finished i went off to get a drink as there was a short break while Sigur Rós set up.
When the time came around that they came out, everyone surged forward to get closer and luckily i got myself to a place where i could see everything. Me and my dad had split off anyway because we knew that it was going to be busy. From start to finish every single song had an energy to it that got everyone involved and was just amazing. They also use all of these stange things on stage too, camera's inside the pianos which, on the big screen behind, show whats going on as they play. Jonsi's voice is also just something else, you really have to hear it live to just experience it. Gobbledigook was the final end to the gig and it coudn't have gone any better. First of they asked everyone to clap along to the drum beat, and not one person wasn't doing it. The song continued and built up and up until at its final peak, confetti was blasted everywhere in the hall, for the duration of the rest of the song. It was just something else, ive never seen anything like it. Sigur Rós have succesfully been the most emotional, awe-striking band that i have ever seen.
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Fuck, I havn't posted up a blog in a loooooong time. Im very sorry for that. Past two or so weeks have been pretty busy, so i do have my excuses for not being on here, besides the fact that im on the internet everyday etc. Well, i shall fill in.
- Firstly, last week was half term. Usually my half terms are alright, see friends and that, but they are never really that much. I don't tend to go out all that much anymore and well when i do it's just the same old things over and over. I don't mean to say there boring things to do, or the people im with are boring but once you've been to town once in a week, nothing changes a day or two later. So anyway this half term was alot different, it was the best i have had in yeaaaaaaaaaaars. I had many a night out, with good people, just enjoying the company and the situations. I have to say one or two of the experiences were just so god damn funny. Im deliberatly not going to go into any further details due to horrifying embarresment for myself.
- I havn't really been in with gaming recently, i sort of dropped out of it for a long time. Over the past week though ive bought into quite a few new ones. I have played through Fable 2 and it is lovely, I was hoping for maybe a little more from it, but either way i loved playing it and it was as good if not better than the original. Secondly i have Fallout 3, which i am very confused by. Its an absolutely brilliant game, everything looks awesome in it and the controls and systems used are really interesting and fun. BUT, i can't get into it at all. I really want to play it but everytime i put it on, i just turn it off within five minutes. It doesn't seem to hold my attention for all that long at all.
- This week back at college ive made a further attempt to speak to new people and make some new friends. So far id say its been going pretty succesfully and im very glad for it too. The people ive been talking to are really nice, im enjoying it quite alot. People are lovely.
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Written Upside Down
After months of not buying any games, or really playing any either, im actually enjoying the fact that I can't wait for the next couple of releases I like. Mainly for this friday, when hopefully I will arrive home to a lovely copy of Fable 2 on my doorstep. I played the first one to absolute death and over the past few days I decided to check out a few videos of some of the stuff to do and whats accesible in number 2. After doing this I now can't wait. It looks like its gunna be alot of fun to play and i can imagine my social life (or what there is of it) is going to wilter and die for a few days if not more. Im actually excited.
Plus then theres Gears 2 which is still a little while off but still looks pretty good. Im hoping it will get me back into playing with friends every so often again, since that was alot of fun. Also Fallout 3 looks sweet, its the one i know the least about but ive seen some clips and it does look like it would be fun to play. I like the openess of it, as with Fable 2.
Today I visited my grandad up at the new home he moved too. It's the first time ive had a chance to go up there. My family go up alot but they always have picked days when im either working or at college so obviously I was pretty happy that ive finally had the chance to see him. When i got there it was pretty uncomfortable, he's not the same person anymore at all. Most of the traces of him are gone now, he can't really remember much at all & you hardly hear him speak unless its just noises accompanied with hand gestures. I always feel really awkward in situations like that, when everyone else does the whole repeating questions thing and trying to get answers for them. I definitly enjoyed seeing him, I wanted to make to sure i did and im going to make sure i go more often, but it was really hard. I hate seeing him get worse and its just the truth that he can only get ever more so. I miss him alot just when i don't see him every so often.
Its almost half-term now. Im gunna spend alot of it doing work by the sounds of it but im still looking forward to the break. It'll be nice to relax for abit and just enjoy a few things.
I need some food.
Plus then theres Gears 2 which is still a little while off but still looks pretty good. Im hoping it will get me back into playing with friends every so often again, since that was alot of fun. Also Fallout 3 looks sweet, its the one i know the least about but ive seen some clips and it does look like it would be fun to play. I like the openess of it, as with Fable 2.
Today I visited my grandad up at the new home he moved too. It's the first time ive had a chance to go up there. My family go up alot but they always have picked days when im either working or at college so obviously I was pretty happy that ive finally had the chance to see him. When i got there it was pretty uncomfortable, he's not the same person anymore at all. Most of the traces of him are gone now, he can't really remember much at all & you hardly hear him speak unless its just noises accompanied with hand gestures. I always feel really awkward in situations like that, when everyone else does the whole repeating questions thing and trying to get answers for them. I definitly enjoyed seeing him, I wanted to make to sure i did and im going to make sure i go more often, but it was really hard. I hate seeing him get worse and its just the truth that he can only get ever more so. I miss him alot just when i don't see him every so often.
Its almost half-term now. Im gunna spend alot of it doing work by the sounds of it but im still looking forward to the break. It'll be nice to relax for abit and just enjoy a few things.
I need some food.
Monday, 13 October 2008
Concentrated Yeast Paste.
Well basically I think I did everything this weekend that I have previously said that I thought was stupid. I went to a friends 17th birthday party on saturday night, which i did alot of things at that I shoudn't have, can't remember and just regret happening. I pretty much lost control and made quite a few mistakes along the way there. The way im looking at it now though, is that all of it is experience, I mean i woudn't know not to do certain things if I havn't felt and seen the effects of the actions. So yeah, it was a pretty interesting weekend for me. Alot more interesting then my usual sit at home and do nothing weekends.
College is going alright at the moment. Im slowly getting into working abit more, at home & at college. Its always been a problem of mine that I will quite happily sit around and absolutely nothing when I know full well that theres about 1939239249 thing I could be doing that would be a more useful way of spending my time. Its not even just work either, I could spend alot of my time keeping up/getting back into drawing and its one thing that this week im going to try and do. I could even try picking up my guitar again, just to try it out again, nothing too hard or complicated.
Ive also been listening to alot more music at the moment. I guess partially because i always feel like i have too when ive got running in the background. Althought ive had it set not to scrobble for awhile actually. I finally got round to listening to Joy Division. There not that bad to be honest, i knew they woudn't be able to live up to the reputation they have in my head. Just because there not really my usual sort of thing, it turns out they are a good band though. Now I just want to finish off the book im reading for english so I can try out the book Written by Ian Curtis's wife.
right theres graphics work to do.
College is going alright at the moment. Im slowly getting into working abit more, at home & at college. Its always been a problem of mine that I will quite happily sit around and absolutely nothing when I know full well that theres about 1939239249 thing I could be doing that would be a more useful way of spending my time. Its not even just work either, I could spend alot of my time keeping up/getting back into drawing and its one thing that this week im going to try and do. I could even try picking up my guitar again, just to try it out again, nothing too hard or complicated.
Ive also been listening to alot more music at the moment. I guess partially because i always feel like i have too when ive got running in the background. Althought ive had it set not to scrobble for awhile actually. I finally got round to listening to Joy Division. There not that bad to be honest, i knew they woudn't be able to live up to the reputation they have in my head. Just because there not really my usual sort of thing, it turns out they are a good band though. Now I just want to finish off the book im reading for english so I can try out the book Written by Ian Curtis's wife.
right theres graphics work to do.
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Everything feels different again. I hate the fact that I seem to think that things change and re-shape around me pretty much all the time. I don't know what it is but I always get the sense that after something has happened, slowly stuff changes to fit in with the new. It's pretty shit really, constantly adapting for every little thing that alters.
Currently im trying to push forward with my work, im letting everything fall backwards and im just being generally too lazy and relaxed right now. I need to make sure i keep up. It all seems very boring, probably more so by anyone who notices it rather than myself. I kind of enjoy it really, sitting down and doing something, then feeling like ive made an effort with it is quite rewarding. I also quite enjoy the peace as well sometimes. I have three essays due. Two are due in at the end of this week, the other has a few weeks to go still. Luckily, they are all started up now, two days ago it was the opposite. I guess thinking of it as a chore wont help either, this'll sound geeky and sad no matter what way I say it but its always possible to make work and stuff seem fun. I've quite enjoyed the things ive done so far.
I dont fully know how I feel right now. It's a bit of a mixture really.
sorry if ive seemed short recently. I guess sometimes what I think through & keep inside is only reflected in what I do and say outside. I do need a break from stuff now and then though.
Currently im trying to push forward with my work, im letting everything fall backwards and im just being generally too lazy and relaxed right now. I need to make sure i keep up. It all seems very boring, probably more so by anyone who notices it rather than myself. I kind of enjoy it really, sitting down and doing something, then feeling like ive made an effort with it is quite rewarding. I also quite enjoy the peace as well sometimes. I have three essays due. Two are due in at the end of this week, the other has a few weeks to go still. Luckily, they are all started up now, two days ago it was the opposite. I guess thinking of it as a chore wont help either, this'll sound geeky and sad no matter what way I say it but its always possible to make work and stuff seem fun. I've quite enjoyed the things ive done so far.
I dont fully know how I feel right now. It's a bit of a mixture really.
sorry if ive seemed short recently. I guess sometimes what I think through & keep inside is only reflected in what I do and say outside. I do need a break from stuff now and then though.
Friday, 3 October 2008
Opposites attract.
Today ive learnt something new.
So starting from the early hours of thursday I think it was, everything went pretty shit. I felt ill, threw up, broke up with the 'amazing' girl from my last post, got angry at everyone and had a shit day. Then this morning again it was no better, everything I was being told was making everything more and more shit. But what's so odd about it all is that through all of the stuff ive just said, I right at this very moment feel better than i have in a long time. You know when you just feel completely relieved of something and it feels awesome. I mean don't take this is in a horrible bitter way, I don't mean it like 'hey to feel good i have to see good things turn to shit' but like it feels like ive actually moved forward more by finding out and dealing with something new.
Bet everything i just said means nothing. It might not even make sense without being in my own head.
Thank you for reading, you are probably absolutely lovely (miles, rob, luke)
So starting from the early hours of thursday I think it was, everything went pretty shit. I felt ill, threw up, broke up with the 'amazing' girl from my last post, got angry at everyone and had a shit day. Then this morning again it was no better, everything I was being told was making everything more and more shit. But what's so odd about it all is that through all of the stuff ive just said, I right at this very moment feel better than i have in a long time. You know when you just feel completely relieved of something and it feels awesome. I mean don't take this is in a horrible bitter way, I don't mean it like 'hey to feel good i have to see good things turn to shit' but like it feels like ive actually moved forward more by finding out and dealing with something new.
Bet everything i just said means nothing. It might not even make sense without being in my own head.
Thank you for reading, you are probably absolutely lovely (miles, rob, luke)
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Radio Silence
I always feel guilty about this blog. Its like, I do like postying on you blog but sometimes its so hard to find time for you. Your like the thing thats always in the back of my mind but no matter what, thats just where you seem to stay. BUT look, im using you right now, so everything is good for today.
So, il now explain my reason for absence.
My brother (Finally) moved out of the house on sunday and has gone off to southampton Uni. Yeah sure I will miss him but everyone knows that sharing rooms with people, especially close to your own age, can get annoying as hell. And kieran is no exception to that. He wasn't as bad as some but he's still annoying and so yeah, it's cool he's gone now. I spent the sunday moving the room around to get it into a nice comfy place for me & that's exactly what its become now. Its fucking nice guys. I really like it. Ive got these two sofa's set up infront of my tv and xbox so that it's like a little lounge-ish bit and then ive got a work table and a drawing table. Everything up here just feels pretty damn sweet. It means having people round mine isn't so much of a problem anymore cause the sofas also fold down into little beds, so people can easily just hang out and not worry about leaving. Awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome.

-awesome red sofa/watching tv guys
also another big thing for me is I now actually have a girlfriend.
& shes pretty cool.
so yeah, thats where i also am sometimes.
sorryy blog :/
right, i have some digital film homework i should really hurry up and get on with.
So, il now explain my reason for absence.
My brother (Finally) moved out of the house on sunday and has gone off to southampton Uni. Yeah sure I will miss him but everyone knows that sharing rooms with people, especially close to your own age, can get annoying as hell. And kieran is no exception to that. He wasn't as bad as some but he's still annoying and so yeah, it's cool he's gone now. I spent the sunday moving the room around to get it into a nice comfy place for me & that's exactly what its become now. Its fucking nice guys. I really like it. Ive got these two sofa's set up infront of my tv and xbox so that it's like a little lounge-ish bit and then ive got a work table and a drawing table. Everything up here just feels pretty damn sweet. It means having people round mine isn't so much of a problem anymore cause the sofas also fold down into little beds, so people can easily just hang out and not worry about leaving. Awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome.
-awesome red sofa/watching tv guys
also another big thing for me is I now actually have a girlfriend.
& shes pretty cool.
so yeah, thats where i also am sometimes.
sorryy blog :/
right, i have some digital film homework i should really hurry up and get on with.
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Do it
Ive got the laptop now which is gunna make my life +10 awesome. Sure its abit battered & it definitly looks 'used' but i mean it runs twice as fast as my old computer and i can move it about so in my books its win. Right now im in the process of working out what stuff on the old one i actually want to keep and then slowly transferring it across on my usb pen. It'll take awhile though, since i only have a 1Gb pen :/
So far though ive got my old theme on it, & ive just sorted out winamp to look pretty good. So yeah the laptop is sweet.
More threadless t-shirts this week, and again they were niceeeeeee. It's pretty much the only place im going to now for t-shirts cause everywhere else just sucks balls. Im pretty impressed by the glow in the dark bit on the skull one. I was worried it might look pretty shit but it actually looks pretty damn awesome when it glows up.
Right, im meeting a girl today so im cutting this short, GOTTA GET STUFF READY GUYS
So far though ive got my old theme on it, & ive just sorted out winamp to look pretty good. So yeah the laptop is sweet.
More threadless t-shirts this week, and again they were niceeeeeee. It's pretty much the only place im going to now for t-shirts cause everywhere else just sucks balls. Im pretty impressed by the glow in the dark bit on the skull one. I was worried it might look pretty shit but it actually looks pretty damn awesome when it glows up.
Right, im meeting a girl today so im cutting this short, GOTTA GET STUFF READY GUYS
Sunday, 14 September 2008
This is probably like the earliest blog post ive ever written. My brother decided he was going to do loud things since about seven which really sucks for anyone trying to sleep. So yeah i gave up and just grabbed the laptop instead. Thank god though, it was two weeks yesterday until he's gone. I know it makes me sound cruel for counting down the days until my brother moves out but he really sucks. And having my own room again will be nice.
So yesterday was some like music thing down on albert road. It was probably the perfect day for it, the weather was pretty awesome & there were lots of people about. Luckily for me as well, all of the different bars & pubs i delivered too were in on it and so had multiple bands up on stages playing music. It meant that everytime i went out on a delivery, if the pub was nice, I got to sit around for abit and listen to the band play. It was pretty sweet.
Today im hopefully gunna find my doctor horrible outfit, or at least some of it. The party is next saturday so i really need to hurry up with it :/
it should be cool though, the few people i know there are pretty cool guys.
So yesterday was some like music thing down on albert road. It was probably the perfect day for it, the weather was pretty awesome & there were lots of people about. Luckily for me as well, all of the different bars & pubs i delivered too were in on it and so had multiple bands up on stages playing music. It meant that everytime i went out on a delivery, if the pub was nice, I got to sit around for abit and listen to the band play. It was pretty sweet.
Today im hopefully gunna find my doctor horrible outfit, or at least some of it. The party is next saturday so i really need to hurry up with it :/
it should be cool though, the few people i know there are pretty cool guys.
Sunday, 7 September 2008
September came around pretty quickly, most likely because i wanted it too. Freshers day, as well as the first day of actual college, have been already. College so far has been a big change to what im used too. It's alot better than school and my timetable seems like its going to work really well. Im now enroled to do Graphics, Media Studies, English Literature and Digital Film Making. So far though ive only had a lesson in Graphics and English lit. My lit class seem pretty cool but the teacher is pretty odd. I mean ive been told that she is really good at what she does, and you can see that, but she also acts really wierdly and theres something crazy about her. I have two teachers though so i'll also get another woman to even that out, luckily. There was this girl in the class who im sure seemed so familar but i coudn't place why or how. Later on though she started laughing and I immediately knew who she was. The english work seems pretty good too. Ive started reading a book called 'Enduring Love'. Its actually pretty good, well ive got into it now.
Graphics is really good. I havn't actually done anything like work yet, but just being told what it is I will be eventually sounds really good and im sure im going to get into it. The only downside was realising that i need to get a camera that I can use to take all the pictures i use with but also one that can have the images enlarged to a good size. I found a shoop that does a good one and luckily for me the girl in there i talked too had done the exact course with the camera she was showing me. So at least i know it will be alright for it. But yeah it costs £280. Which, with everything else i need right now, doesn't help. Its gunna be sweet when everythings sorted out though.
so yeah, college is a big change. its a better one too though
Graphics is really good. I havn't actually done anything like work yet, but just being told what it is I will be eventually sounds really good and im sure im going to get into it. The only downside was realising that i need to get a camera that I can use to take all the pictures i use with but also one that can have the images enlarged to a good size. I found a shoop that does a good one and luckily for me the girl in there i talked too had done the exact course with the camera she was showing me. So at least i know it will be alright for it. But yeah it costs £280. Which, with everything else i need right now, doesn't help. Its gunna be sweet when everythings sorted out though.
so yeah, college is a big change. its a better one too though
Friday, 29 August 2008
Clap your hands.
College is sounding better & better now. Enrolement yesterday went pretty well, besides seeming to take far too long. The actual process didn't take long at all, it was just waiting between the parts of it. I must of been in that library for 40 odd minutes. Still, im down for the choices that I wanted and i can't wait to start them up. Ive changed one choice though, Film Studies - English literature. The english is a traditional so it will open more up for me in the future, thats something I feel more comfortable having. I was just worried about wanting a slightly different path and not being able to take it. So anyway, Freshers day is next thursday so il be able to see who im going to be spending the next few years with. Should be interesting (oh god please be okay). Then the day after that everything kick starts. sweet.
Ive been trying to draw a little bit here and there and so far I have done it every so often. It's quite hard atm though what with my room being all pretty messed up. And i wont be able to officially re-start what i was doing before for a good few weeks just yet. Once kierans left though it should be back to normal
& a helluva lot cooler up here.
so yeah, the next month holds good things hopefully & i can't wait to start it all fresh.
Ive been trying to draw a little bit here and there and so far I have done it every so often. It's quite hard atm though what with my room being all pretty messed up. And i wont be able to officially re-start what i was doing before for a good few weeks just yet. Once kierans left though it should be back to normal
& a helluva lot cooler up here.
so yeah, the next month holds good things hopefully & i can't wait to start it all fresh.
Friday, 22 August 2008
Yesterday was results day, I was pretty nervous like the night before and stuff and so when it came around I was like relieved but also kinda worried. but yeah my results came out.
Stuff everywhere else has also been cool. Ive been seeing alot of my friends the past week and it's been nice. Specially since it was ones birthday. Stuff was cool.
Im also in the process of moving up into the loft as well. From what ive worked out its going to be pretty cool once im up and everything is sorted out. it's gunna be alot more relaxed and fun than the old room. I can't wait
- English A
- English Lit A
- Science A
- Additional Science B
- Maths C (thank fuck)
- Graphics A
- Music B
- Ict Pass
- Psychology C
- Rli C
- French D (lol)
Stuff everywhere else has also been cool. Ive been seeing alot of my friends the past week and it's been nice. Specially since it was ones birthday. Stuff was cool.
Im also in the process of moving up into the loft as well. From what ive worked out its going to be pretty cool once im up and everything is sorted out. it's gunna be alot more relaxed and fun than the old room. I can't wait
Thursday, 14 August 2008
None Shall Pass.
The trip out to alton towers wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. I ended up actually enjoying it quite alot and the place is pretty cool. I hadn't realised that it was mainly a theme park, I mean i knew that stuff was there but i thought it was mainly like walking around and stuff with the odd ride here and there. Im not usually a rollercoaster person either but i ended up going on all the 'impressive' ones. This one called Air was awesome. It pretty much suspends you lying down and then flys you real fast around, going down real close to the floor then up to huge heights. I fucking loved that man, Its the closest im ever going to get to flying and it was cool. Also my dads brother David and his family are pretty cool guys. I was worried about not being able to understand any of the crazy irish jig but actually i picked it up almost straight away. The hotel was fun too. I had my own room with my older brother, General fun insued.
So yesterday I then had my trip up to Southampton. It was a really cool day in the end. the five of us just walked about mainly into Forbidden planet & then Routeone. I bought some pretty awesome stuff too. I got these two comics, Batman: Gotham by Gaslight & Green Lantern: No Fear. Ive read them now and they both are really good. THEY WERE COOOOOOOOL. I got some new stuff for my skateboard too, now it runs smooth baby, like the cole train. yeah.
So yesterday I then had my trip up to Southampton. It was a really cool day in the end. the five of us just walked about mainly into Forbidden planet & then Routeone. I bought some pretty awesome stuff too. I got these two comics, Batman: Gotham by Gaslight & Green Lantern: No Fear. Ive read them now and they both are really good. THEY WERE COOOOOOOOL. I got some new stuff for my skateboard too, now it runs smooth baby, like the cole train. yeah.
Sunday, 10 August 2008
The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning
Ive watched the Watchmen trailer far too many times since its come out now. I think its like 33 times now or something, w/e it is, its ridiculous. It does look like an awesome film. I saw The Dark Knight recently and it was pretty much perfect. I know it sounds like im going with the hype but Ledger pulled of the Joker as best as I can imagine, he was fucking awesome. Even the parts that wern't very 'cinematic' were really involving because of Ledger. I just thought that movie was awesome.
so with that I can only expect great things from Watchmen. Its from the same director as 300 or something and that film was really good. Its another year from releasing too which I dont really mind cause its more time for it too become super cool
Right, im not gunna be posting on you for two days or something cause im having crazy fun at alton towers guys
so with that I can only expect great things from Watchmen. Its from the same director as 300 or something and that film was really good. Its another year from releasing too which I dont really mind cause its more time for it too become super cool
Right, im not gunna be posting on you for two days or something cause im having crazy fun at alton towers guys
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Let me just say that, in no big headed way, the scanner does me no justice. It took the quality of the picture and messed that bitch up.
still, now you can see that ive been out of practise for a few weeks
this time im going to actually poststuff up on here. I might even look into a new scanner, a good one
02 TRAS 3
Well two days of work finished. Its another £60 for the pocket so its days well spent as far as im concerned/care. Also, since im pretty psyched about Forbidden Planet now, it'll give me some money to spend on comics or w/e. I havn't been to the one in southampton before, only londons one. I loved the one in london and il probably like it more this time round because im much more into the stuff there now. Only problem i have with buying comics there is the ones i will probably want to buy i could maybe get cheaper at Ians now so il have to wait and see. If not il spend the money at Route one so I can fix up my skateboard. Southampton will be cool anyway though, w/e happens.
tonight is more drawing. I think il stick with my arms + face thing for the moment.
noses are fucking tricky.
tonight is more drawing. I think il stick with my arms + face thing for the moment.
noses are fucking tricky.
Friday, 8 August 2008
The past few days have been pretty cool. It was my brothers 18th on wednesday which was kinda cool. Met some random people, started kinda awkward, but yeah once we got talking and stuff it ended up being pretty good. Plus party food is always a win. I missed the cake, even if it is a lie.
Ive been getting urges to skateboard more recently. I really want to get into it more but its hard finding time to do it. Id be happy just to be able to move more fluently around on it. At the moment everything I do on it looks pretty messy and just kind of annoying. Il make time for it though, Ive got weeks to catch up on it still.
Drawing is coming back into focus now as well. Ive finally found the drive i need to really push with it. It's still going kinda shitty though. Everytime i do something i think is getting better, the next part i do always sucks but i guess its just building up the skills on each part. Right now im sticking with faces and bodies since thats probably most of what id draw anyway. Ive just been sketching stuff out, usually later on at night and w/e,
il update more later or something
Ive been getting urges to skateboard more recently. I really want to get into it more but its hard finding time to do it. Id be happy just to be able to move more fluently around on it. At the moment everything I do on it looks pretty messy and just kind of annoying. Il make time for it though, Ive got weeks to catch up on it still.
Drawing is coming back into focus now as well. Ive finally found the drive i need to really push with it. It's still going kinda shitty though. Everytime i do something i think is getting better, the next part i do always sucks but i guess its just building up the skills on each part. Right now im sticking with faces and bodies since thats probably most of what id draw anyway. Ive just been sketching stuff out, usually later on at night and w/e,
il update more later or something
Sunday, 27 July 2008
# hoppípolla - hopping into puddles
I like the fact that i can write this as if im writing a book, or a story about something. I know that there are only about two people who read this and yet what i write sounds like its for thousands. This blog has given me a way of writing stuff down and i really enjoy it, I didn't think I would but I do. Im trying not to let it die. Sorry, that sounds really heavy for my blog. okay.
Anyway, if you read this you may remember a while back I wrote about going to chichester with my best friend miles and then also meeting millie for the first time. Since then she's become a really close friend and the past many months have been full of good times. The point of this is that she left to go to greece then return back home to australia yesterday and so me, miles & luke (my other best friend) had a small meal and stuff at miles' house over thursday night for her, now with July 24th being named Millie day. It was a really awesome night and it was really good fun. It was a nice way to end seeing her here in england.
so yeah, although she probably wont see this, this one post is for millie. Im going to miss her a hell of a lot. I hope I will see her again some time in the future, I really do. Thank you for all of the great memories & Good luck with everything.
Anyway, if you read this you may remember a while back I wrote about going to chichester with my best friend miles and then also meeting millie for the first time. Since then she's become a really close friend and the past many months have been full of good times. The point of this is that she left to go to greece then return back home to australia yesterday and so me, miles & luke (my other best friend) had a small meal and stuff at miles' house over thursday night for her, now with July 24th being named Millie day. It was a really awesome night and it was really good fun. It was a nice way to end seeing her here in england.
so yeah, although she probably wont see this, this one post is for millie. Im going to miss her a hell of a lot. I hope I will see her again some time in the future, I really do. Thank you for all of the great memories & Good luck with everything.
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
The Youth
I just drew something guys.
The weather sucks right now. I guess im expecting it to be kinda bright and sunny since it's leading up to summer and stuff? But its like the opposite atm, has been for a few days now. I guess its most annoying because it means that i can't go out skateboarding most of the time because pretty much everything is wet. I should probably look for somewhere to skate thats under cover.
but yeah w/e. Today was cool. Since ive been inside alot recently, enjoying this new lazy lifestyle, I though I should probably get out somewhere for a little bit. So after lying about taking in my daily E4 (I now know far too much about one tree hill) i caught a bus into Gunwharf. Seriously though, I wont go into it but today reminded me of just why i usually hate buses, & they're drivers. Gunwharf was good though. I had abit of money as well which mean't i could do something/buy something. So i went to hmv first. I now have completed my Radiohead album collection. Which im very proud of, I also have a few different remix albums/Ep's too. I also picked up another Sigur Ros album & Battles album - Mirrored. After that I moved to zavvi. I went there cause I knew a friend was doing work experience there and it was partially why I chose gunwharf. So i talked for alittle bit to her which was good. Then i picked up House seasons 1 - 3. It was £25. I mean thats a pretty big amount of so who woudn't?
Im gunna be watching that for this week (:
I don't know if anyone else gets this, but on my way out of Gunwharf I saw this person and im sure i recognised them. But they looked alot different. I don't know how that works but its like i think i know them even though they look nothing like they did?
That probably makes no sense when im trying to write it down.
Right, i just ate pizza hut and now im stuffed. Im going to sit on my bed with the laptop for the night again. see ya'
but yeah w/e. Today was cool. Since ive been inside alot recently, enjoying this new lazy lifestyle, I though I should probably get out somewhere for a little bit. So after lying about taking in my daily E4 (I now know far too much about one tree hill) i caught a bus into Gunwharf. Seriously though, I wont go into it but today reminded me of just why i usually hate buses, & they're drivers. Gunwharf was good though. I had abit of money as well which mean't i could do something/buy something. So i went to hmv first. I now have completed my Radiohead album collection. Which im very proud of, I also have a few different remix albums/Ep's too. I also picked up another Sigur Ros album & Battles album - Mirrored. After that I moved to zavvi. I went there cause I knew a friend was doing work experience there and it was partially why I chose gunwharf. So i talked for alittle bit to her which was good. Then i picked up House seasons 1 - 3. It was £25. I mean thats a pretty big amount of so who woudn't?
Im gunna be watching that for this week (:
I don't know if anyone else gets this, but on my way out of Gunwharf I saw this person and im sure i recognised them. But they looked alot different. I don't know how that works but its like i think i know them even though they look nothing like they did?
That probably makes no sense when im trying to write it down.
Right, i just ate pizza hut and now im stuffed. Im going to sit on my bed with the laptop for the night again. see ya'
Saturday, 5 July 2008
bill bailey
Never mind the buzzcocks wont ever get old. Theres an episode with laruen laverne that ive seen far too many times that is still pretty awesome every time. Also shes pretty hot guys, in a strange 'im slightly many but also funny' kind of way. i like it. Although i really like the new series with Simon amstell, I still think that Mark lamarr is probably the best host for that show. idk whether its his anger and depresseion that make his humour just seem so funny.
Another programme i started watching again recently was Futurama. I got out an old box-set and I can remember exactly why i loved that tv show. Fry & bender are two awesome characters and i would probably marry both of them if they were real. they're just that cool.
I want to go see Hancock. It looks funny
& Wall-E
& The Hulk
& probably alot of other stuff.
well im gunna go watch some more tv
(theres a guy on tv with glasses I would very much like to own)
Another programme i started watching again recently was Futurama. I got out an old box-set and I can remember exactly why i loved that tv show. Fry & bender are two awesome characters and i would probably marry both of them if they were real. they're just that cool.
I want to go see Hancock. It looks funny
& Wall-E
& The Hulk
& probably alot of other stuff.
well im gunna go watch some more tv
(theres a guy on tv with glasses I would very much like to own)
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
Im not gunna get my computer working again for awhile I don't think. It seems like what fixed it before is not working at all this time. It really sucks cause with all my music and pretty much my life on there im really bored constantly at home. I miss it :/
Working on the laptop is kinda cool, like being able to sit on my bed and watch a movie whilst on here is a bonus. But its kind of uncomfortable & also i con't really do what i want to because its not mine. I need a quick fix for my desktop.
Today was induction to college day and I think overall Portsmouth college is gunna be pretty sweet. Graphics especially looked so fucking awesome, I really liked working on the Macs as well. I think they will make grpahics work helluva alot more accesible and quiker to carry out. Theres some pretty cool people going as well, so imma have to make some new friends
I watched Sahara last night. Thats another bonus to not having my computer. Im catching up on a lot of movies I wanted to see. I think tonight i might watch the second Fantastic Four movie, It's supposed to suck, even compared to the first which was pretty bad. But i want to see it for myself. Il also see whats gunna be on film four. They have some cool ones on recently.
Working on the laptop is kinda cool, like being able to sit on my bed and watch a movie whilst on here is a bonus. But its kind of uncomfortable & also i con't really do what i want to because its not mine. I need a quick fix for my desktop.
Today was induction to college day and I think overall Portsmouth college is gunna be pretty sweet. Graphics especially looked so fucking awesome, I really liked working on the Macs as well. I think they will make grpahics work helluva alot more accesible and quiker to carry out. Theres some pretty cool people going as well, so imma have to make some new friends
I watched Sahara last night. Thats another bonus to not having my computer. Im catching up on a lot of movies I wanted to see. I think tonight i might watch the second Fantastic Four movie, It's supposed to suck, even compared to the first which was pretty bad. But i want to see it for myself. Il also see whats gunna be on film four. They have some cool ones on recently.
Sunday, 29 June 2008
my computer did its usual dying on me today. Im stuck working on my parents laptop now for tonight until it starts up again. I really hate laptops now. Im so un-used to there little keyboards & my chubby fingers can't right shit on them.
So last night sucked. well i had nothing to do anyway, and i got bored of tv & the computer really quickly so I was left with just going to sleep. & i hate sleep............ksekki
my table is fixed now though, on the brighter side of this blog. Which means im blogging to you on the once again comfortable table set up i had before. It feels nice guys, very nice. I didn't think my dads idea of 'securing' the table was going to work (Stick some wood to it). It did though. It worked nicely.
I finished The Walking Dead Book 7 last night. That means im now one book away from having caught up with the publishing. awesome. The only complaint with those comics is the repitition feeling you get with the story. And since the comic is so heavily story driven you end up knocking into that problem quite frequently. That aside, the comic is awesome. I love zombies as it is and that book makes them even the sweeter ;)
right, im off to see what this laptop can do.
So last night sucked. well i had nothing to do anyway, and i got bored of tv & the computer really quickly so I was left with just going to sleep. & i hate sleep............ksekki
my table is fixed now though, on the brighter side of this blog. Which means im blogging to you on the once again comfortable table set up i had before. It feels nice guys, very nice. I didn't think my dads idea of 'securing' the table was going to work (Stick some wood to it). It did though. It worked nicely.
I finished The Walking Dead Book 7 last night. That means im now one book away from having caught up with the publishing. awesome. The only complaint with those comics is the repitition feeling you get with the story. And since the comic is so heavily story driven you end up knocking into that problem quite frequently. That aside, the comic is awesome. I love zombies as it is and that book makes them even the sweeter ;)
right, im off to see what this laptop can do.
Saturday, 28 June 2008
I didn't end up in chichester. My grandma is doing the whole 'let me show you I love you' thing. I think its cause my grandads in the home again. I don't really know. But not in a taking advantage way, I just let her do it. She bought me some cool shit, and im grateful for it all. It means I can spend my cash monies more wisely now. LOL. fuck that.
I need to pursuade the parents to hurry up and order my threadless stuff. I want tee's from there so bad. Il feel like the captain of cool parading around in one of those. It's gunna be sweeeet.
Not going to school is just getting better and better. My life revolves around the incredibly brilliant 24: The Series brand energy drink (wtf is up with that) and mass effect when im at home. and then out of home its just skateboarding recently.
I was supposed to have a girl round to make cake but she coudn't make it. So i was pretty bummed abou that. My dad sorted my prom shit out though instead. It was all good, cept the fact that bow ties are the ultimate fag.
I need to pursuade the parents to hurry up and order my threadless stuff. I want tee's from there so bad. Il feel like the captain of cool parading around in one of those. It's gunna be sweeeet.
Not going to school is just getting better and better. My life revolves around the incredibly brilliant 24: The Series brand energy drink (wtf is up with that) and mass effect when im at home. and then out of home its just skateboarding recently.
I was supposed to have a girl round to make cake but she coudn't make it. So i was pretty bummed abou that. My dad sorted my prom shit out though instead. It was all good, cept the fact that bow ties are the ultimate fag.
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
My floor is lovely.
So I was moving my table earlier and it broke up. It sucked at the time cause there was stuff all over it and I thought it was all gunna break. I got it all off though and 'set up' my computer and tv etc in a corner of my room until fixed. Now though, i actually like it in this corner. Its brilliant. Seriously.
I could get used to just lying on the floor in front of the screen, its niceee.
Im feeling pretty good right now. Yesterday I was out skateboarding which is going okay I guess. I don't tend to actually do that much though but spending time with miles was cool & I stayed at his last night which was cool as per usual.
Im using stickam again too. Idk if thats a good thing or bad thing though. I wen tlive on it earlier though and this awesome person came in. She was awesome guys. awesome
Anyway, Im on my holidays now. Not going to school anymore makes me wet myself every morning because its so delicious. That sounded creepy right? Okay good.
So yeah (thumbs up) all good.
Me in chicester tomorrow. me get clothes hopefully. me like clothes. me like blog. bye blog.
Now playing: Lightspeed Champion - Galaxy Of The Lost
via FoxyTunes
So I was moving my table earlier and it broke up. It sucked at the time cause there was stuff all over it and I thought it was all gunna break. I got it all off though and 'set up' my computer and tv etc in a corner of my room until fixed. Now though, i actually like it in this corner. Its brilliant. Seriously.
I could get used to just lying on the floor in front of the screen, its niceee.
Im feeling pretty good right now. Yesterday I was out skateboarding which is going okay I guess. I don't tend to actually do that much though but spending time with miles was cool & I stayed at his last night which was cool as per usual.
Im using stickam again too. Idk if thats a good thing or bad thing though. I wen tlive on it earlier though and this awesome person came in. She was awesome guys. awesome
Anyway, Im on my holidays now. Not going to school anymore makes me wet myself every morning because its so delicious. That sounded creepy right? Okay good.
So yeah (thumbs up) all good.
Me in chicester tomorrow. me get clothes hopefully. me like clothes. me like blog. bye blog.
Now playing: Lightspeed Champion - Galaxy Of The Lost
via FoxyTunes
Saturday, 14 June 2008
So after I got really into I am Legend and all that, and since ive been into reading a helluva lot recently, I decided to walk down to the book store & pick up a copy of the original I am Legend book that the movie was based on. It's quite sad but I got really hyped about getting it and im proud of that. I havn't enjoyed reading in such a long time so to have that felt good. But yeah, the book is brilliant. It's not really much like the film at all, but it's amazing for its own reasons. Reading it really makes you feel sorry for this guy struggling on his own, and like it seems like he really has lost it. Read it, it's worth it.
Yesterday I had my Leavers assembly, which basically is just school fully acknowledging that we've now left school. It felt pretty nice knowing that thats me done with school, and the fact I never (hoping I have achieved a C grade) will never have to do much Maths related in the future is awesome.
So after the assembly finished up, a group of us from my year met up down at the sea front and just sat about and that, which was good fun. I had to leave early-ish though 'cause it was my mums birthday on the same day. So i had to do that whole family birthday stuff. It was good either way though
Now I can get my stuff back on track. Skateboarding, Drums & Drawing are all back into my daily bit. Without lessons/school in the way anymore, I can finally give myself that push with them to get them started up nicely (:
Yesterday I had my Leavers assembly, which basically is just school fully acknowledging that we've now left school. It felt pretty nice knowing that thats me done with school, and the fact I never (hoping I have achieved a C grade) will never have to do much Maths related in the future is awesome.
So after the assembly finished up, a group of us from my year met up down at the sea front and just sat about and that, which was good fun. I had to leave early-ish though 'cause it was my mums birthday on the same day. So i had to do that whole family birthday stuff. It was good either way though
Now I can get my stuff back on track. Skateboarding, Drums & Drawing are all back into my daily bit. Without lessons/school in the way anymore, I can finally give myself that push with them to get them started up nicely (:
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
I really can't understand why Francis Lawrence decided to choose such a shitty ending for I am Legend.
So last night I decided I would ait down and watch I am Legend because not only am I a big fan of Will Smith but it was pretty sweet at the cinema -Minus the ending. And again I sat down and was really impressed by the film, it's honestly one of the best films I think ive seen. It makes me feel really uncomfortable, in a good way. & it's one of the first films where a character dying genuinly made me feel sad. Its just a really good movie. Except the ending. It just leaves you feeling like the past hour or so was a waste and for a movie with Legend in the title, it doesn't feel like a very 'Legendary' ending. hoho im hilarious.

Anyway, so after it finished I remembered my brothers copy had the second disk and it had the Alternate ending on it. I could remember my friends saying about it before and stuff but id never watched it for myself. My searches on Youtube weeks earlier only resulted in being Rick Rolled in the masses. So i put the other ending on and sat down and watched it.
What the fuck made Lawrence Francis use the other ending? in all seriousness? This alternate one made everything that had happened in the film involving the 'Alpha Darkseeker' all seem so much more relevant and it just gave the film a much greater feeling. I seriously believe that totally should have been the ending in the cinema, it would of impressed me so much more.
So yeah guys, im still alive on here. Exams are almost complete and im feeling geekier than ever after everything i just wrote, so prepare for more. Last few weeks have been A-Okay and hopefully so will this current week. So yeah, allisgood.
Luckily I made this with as few spoilers as possible
So last night I decided I would ait down and watch I am Legend because not only am I a big fan of Will Smith but it was pretty sweet at the cinema -Minus the ending. And again I sat down and was really impressed by the film, it's honestly one of the best films I think ive seen. It makes me feel really uncomfortable, in a good way. & it's one of the first films where a character dying genuinly made me feel sad. Its just a really good movie. Except the ending. It just leaves you feeling like the past hour or so was a waste and for a movie with Legend in the title, it doesn't feel like a very 'Legendary' ending. hoho im hilarious.
Anyway, so after it finished I remembered my brothers copy had the second disk and it had the Alternate ending on it. I could remember my friends saying about it before and stuff but id never watched it for myself. My searches on Youtube weeks earlier only resulted in being Rick Rolled in the masses. So i put the other ending on and sat down and watched it.
What the fuck made Lawrence Francis use the other ending? in all seriousness? This alternate one made everything that had happened in the film involving the 'Alpha Darkseeker' all seem so much more relevant and it just gave the film a much greater feeling. I seriously believe that totally should have been the ending in the cinema, it would of impressed me so much more.
So yeah guys, im still alive on here. Exams are almost complete and im feeling geekier than ever after everything i just wrote, so prepare for more. Last few weeks have been A-Okay and hopefully so will this current week. So yeah, allisgood.
Luckily I made this with as few spoilers as possible
- Sam dies (the German Shepard dog)
- Presumably so does Robert Nevilles Family, right in front of him.
- In the cinema version, Neville dies.
- He meets two survivors & again in the end of the cinema version the survivors unite with a camp full of others.
Saturday, 24 May 2008
Tim Bisley;
Okay, i made a few slight adjustments to the blog today. Nothing major, just some font changes & I also set it to show less etc. Im trying to make it look less stupid or something. Don't forget as well that I wont be posting here as much, probably once a week, up until my exams clear up and are out of the way. Although, im on half-term now. So i might post during the week at some point.
I have money now. Im going to order this Usb drumkit though, as soon as I organise my money into a bank or something. Id get my parents to buy it already but i get the impression they don't want too. Its tough buying it though anyway, What with Rock Band out now :|
I want that game so much but the price is seriously fucked up, Can't be bothered to spend that much for matter how much fun it looks...lots of fun....huge fun.
Right, im mid through watching Spaced: Season 2 & also listening to Pilgrim Fathers album. So i will get back to those now.
I <3 you blog.
I have money now. Im going to order this Usb drumkit though, as soon as I organise my money into a bank or something. Id get my parents to buy it already but i get the impression they don't want too. Its tough buying it though anyway, What with Rock Band out now :|
I want that game so much but the price is seriously fucked up, Can't be bothered to spend that much for matter how much fun it looks...lots of fun....huge fun.
Right, im mid through watching Spaced: Season 2 & also listening to Pilgrim Fathers album. So i will get back to those now.
I <3 you blog.
Friday, 16 May 2008
Sorry blog, i left you again.
I promise you blog that as soon as all this exam stuff is over i will love you again. I will love you so hard. I only have like 4 weeks of school now though, so don't you worry, I wont be long.
So I did a few exams this week:
Music went a helluva lot better than i expected & I feel quite comfortable about a C grade with it, which im pretty happy about. so yeah, first exam week = wooyeahokay.
tonight is going to be lazy night because of it though. I feel exhausted from this week & because im workign tomorrow imma do absolutely nothing but play games & eat tonight. Ive got a party thing tomorrow which im really looking forward to as well. Im going as the Flash & imo i think my outfit looks pretty cool. Its not like his really but it still looks awesome
right, brb doin' sweet stuff
So I did a few exams this week:
- Re
- French
- Music
Music went a helluva lot better than i expected & I feel quite comfortable about a C grade with it, which im pretty happy about. so yeah, first exam week = wooyeahokay.
tonight is going to be lazy night because of it though. I feel exhausted from this week & because im workign tomorrow imma do absolutely nothing but play games & eat tonight. Ive got a party thing tomorrow which im really looking forward to as well. Im going as the Flash & imo i think my outfit looks pretty cool. Its not like his really but it still looks awesome
right, brb doin' sweet stuff
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Sorry blog, I wont leave you again.
My birthday was awesome, It was probably one of the best ive had in ages.
I got some sweet gifts & got to spend time with some cool people & it was sweeeeeet.
Now i have heaps of books to read,
some clothes to wear
and some food too.
its pretty brilliant
I have exams coming up in a few days too now but im feeling like pretty confident about somet of them now. So it should be okay & w/e. Just gotta do some revision
anyway, im pretty much tired, il post tomorrow
I got some sweet gifts & got to spend time with some cool people & it was sweeeeeet.
Now i have heaps of books to read,
some clothes to wear
and some food too.
its pretty brilliant
I have exams coming up in a few days too now but im feeling like pretty confident about somet of them now. So it should be okay & w/e. Just gotta do some revision
anyway, im pretty much tired, il post tomorrow
Saturday, 3 May 2008
Today was crazy.
The cool guy was off work today, which left me with the two other guys who, although both also cool, i have loads less in common with. Means it was kinda awkward at points over the day and w/e. Also it turns out that having that third person makes alot of difference on the speed of stuff. I finish at 6 right, and today i didn't leave until about 8. Sure i made more money, but im fucking tired now...seriously. Also, i was looking forward to free comics today but it turns out free comic book day is tomorrow, it was cool looking around the shop anyway though. AND I GOT TO SEE MY BEST FRIEND MILES (:
Well its like a few hours and il be 16. Im not realy sure what to say to that, i def don't feel any older tbh. but still, birthdays are awesome so its gunna be cool. Plus i have two special 'birthday meals' tmorrow with family. then on bank holiday monday im going to the cinema with friends hopefully to see iron man. So all in all, should be a good birthday (:
The cool guy was off work today, which left me with the two other guys who, although both also cool, i have loads less in common with. Means it was kinda awkward at points over the day and w/e. Also it turns out that having that third person makes alot of difference on the speed of stuff. I finish at 6 right, and today i didn't leave until about 8. Sure i made more money, but im fucking tired now...seriously. Also, i was looking forward to free comics today but it turns out free comic book day is tomorrow, it was cool looking around the shop anyway though. AND I GOT TO SEE MY BEST FRIEND MILES (:
Well its like a few hours and il be 16. Im not realy sure what to say to that, i def don't feel any older tbh. but still, birthdays are awesome so its gunna be cool. Plus i have two special 'birthday meals' tmorrow with family. then on bank holiday monday im going to the cinema with friends hopefully to see iron man. So all in all, should be a good birthday (:
Sunday, 27 April 2008
I just wrote up on a calendar all of my exam dates. And eh.
Its pretty much goodbye happy josh for the next few weeks, I really should 'knuckle down' since I so don't want to fuck up. Im just terrible at all this revision stuff. I cant seem to do it very well. I get distracted & stuff easy.
But yeah, il have to push with it.
I just wrote up on a calendar all of my exam dates. And eh.
Its pretty much goodbye happy josh for the next few weeks, I really should 'knuckle down' since I so don't want to fuck up. Im just terrible at all this revision stuff. I cant seem to do it very well. I get distracted & stuff easy.
But yeah, il have to push with it.
Saturday, 26 April 2008
Tired. Thats pretty much how im feeling right now.
I was actually really good weather today, unlike most of the time here recently. A full day of sun without any rain or anything, brilliant (:
And work wasn't too tough today, no shoveling weird stuff again which is always a pretty big bonus. Ive already spend most of my wages though. On geek stuff which, however much a waste of money, I find awesome. Def glad I bought it ;)
I want my skateboard already.
I was actually really good weather today, unlike most of the time here recently. A full day of sun without any rain or anything, brilliant (:
And work wasn't too tough today, no shoveling weird stuff again which is always a pretty big bonus. Ive already spend most of my wages though. On geek stuff which, however much a waste of money, I find awesome. Def glad I bought it ;)
I want my skateboard already.
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
French speaking exam was today, so thats my first one done & gone. Woudn't exactly say it was 'the best start' or even a moderetly good one. But yeah w/e its done & it went better than i though it was going too. Plus i got given a sweet at the end of the test so yeah that was pretty awesome. I guess what I can see now as well is that maybe I should actually start properly revising, rather than just the odd bit now & then. Exams are just getting closer & closer...
I wish skateboarding was slightly easier. I get proper into when i watch a video of the pros & stuff but when i try myself im obv. nowhere near there skills. It sucks quite alot. Practise makes perfect though, they say. I also know a few other people to do it with now though as well. After exams when i get the big ol' 3 month holiday it will be brilliant. Imma try and skate pretty much everday for that, it's gunna be pretty goddamn epic.
anyway, have some hedgehog, your life probably lacks it.

I wish skateboarding was slightly easier. I get proper into when i watch a video of the pros & stuff but when i try myself im obv. nowhere near there skills. It sucks quite alot. Practise makes perfect though, they say. I also know a few other people to do it with now though as well. After exams when i get the big ol' 3 month holiday it will be brilliant. Imma try and skate pretty much everday for that, it's gunna be pretty goddamn epic.
anyway, have some hedgehog, your life probably lacks it.

Friday, 18 April 2008
Your welcome.
The gig was epic. No seriously. I really enjoyed it.
65daysofstatic are an awesome band. since it was the first time id heard them i didn't know what to expect really but it was really good. There stuff gets really intense & when it all builds up its just amazing. Since that night ive downloaded a majority of their stuff, which ive been listening through all today.
The other bands were also good. Gay for Johnny Depp were entertaining for all the wrong reasons. When they played it was the most scared ive ever been in my life. I really didn't like the lead singer just because he's so fucking goddam creepy :/
Really good though, I mean, it's the first time a band's made me also cry with fear.
This morn i was in school finishing off even more maths stuff. It was so boring & it seemed to last a lot longer than it should off. Good thing is that it's all done now and so for now i can just do other more important stuff. In fact thinking about that i still have a couple of pieces of work to do :|
For the next few days (or longer) Ms Paint is my new best friend. I am going to love it.
65daysofstatic are an awesome band. since it was the first time id heard them i didn't know what to expect really but it was really good. There stuff gets really intense & when it all builds up its just amazing. Since that night ive downloaded a majority of their stuff, which ive been listening through all today.
The other bands were also good. Gay for Johnny Depp were entertaining for all the wrong reasons. When they played it was the most scared ive ever been in my life. I really didn't like the lead singer just because he's so fucking goddam creepy :/
Really good though, I mean, it's the first time a band's made me also cry with fear.
This morn i was in school finishing off even more maths stuff. It was so boring & it seemed to last a lot longer than it should off. Good thing is that it's all done now and so for now i can just do other more important stuff. In fact thinking about that i still have a couple of pieces of work to do :|
For the next few days (or longer) Ms Paint is my new best friend. I am going to love it.
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Fail on the standard of Epic.
I have my 65 Days of Static ticket now and yet i still i havn't properly listened to them ever before. I trust Miles & Rob's music taste though and miles' after will be good anyway so im looking forward to tomorrow already. One of the suppost bands called Gay for Johnny Depp creeps me out quite abit but yeah il just laugh it off if it's all that bad.

My ollie is almost sorted now, well in my garden it is anyway. I need to hold up my confidence when im infront of other people. Its going pretty well so far though, and even if im not always skateboarding when i go out to skate, at least ive been seeing people and w/e. It's all good fun.
hah, I suck at guitar related stuff.
My ollie is almost sorted now, well in my garden it is anyway. I need to hold up my confidence when im infront of other people. Its going pretty well so far though, and even if im not always skateboarding when i go out to skate, at least ive been seeing people and w/e. It's all good fun.
hah, I suck at guitar related stuff.
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Im getting back into the guitar. The only thing i need to do now is KEEP DRAWING D:/ im so fucking lazy half the time. Yeah, im just gunna play the guitar as a fun thing, im not gunna be doing anything serious and w/e, just playing with friends and all that. I imagine it will be pretty good. I just need to pick up like a Radiohead guitar book or something.
Radiohead are my current band of ALWAYS LISTENING TO.
Ive bought pretty much all their albums now. Well im missing about 2 or 3. Im pretty impressed by that. I know a few of the people who read this like them, or at least know of them and that. I really like them though, Amnesiac & Kid A are probably the two best for me. I havn't stopped listening to them for days now.
Although, right now im also listening to Sigur Ros alot more. They are alot different to what i usually listen too, alot calmer and slower. But i just like having it in the background sometimes. Its pretty good.
Anyway, that was me.
talking about music.
Radiohead are my current band of ALWAYS LISTENING TO.
Ive bought pretty much all their albums now. Well im missing about 2 or 3. Im pretty impressed by that. I know a few of the people who read this like them, or at least know of them and that. I really like them though, Amnesiac & Kid A are probably the two best for me. I havn't stopped listening to them for days now.
Although, right now im also listening to Sigur Ros alot more. They are alot different to what i usually listen too, alot calmer and slower. But i just like having it in the background sometimes. Its pretty good.
Anyway, that was me.
talking about music.
Saturday, 12 April 2008
It was really cold today.
Really really cold.
I was working out back of the shop, so it meant i had this cold air constantly on me
it kinda sucked. but you know, its what pays
and well, I LOVE MONEY.
I had alot of money recently, half-terms changed that though
I spent like £200 within days
its been worth it though, ive got some sweet stuff
and seen some sweet people
in fact alot of sweet people. (:
I really like my friends
i actually get on with my current group really well,
ohyeah, i bougth some guitar strings right.
to re-string mine and all that.
But ive realised
i dont know wtf to do with them, seriously.
you just shove 'em on there or what?

I cant wait for my board to come.
its gunna be sweeeeeeeeeeet.
im hoping this is also gunna give me some opportunities to do some filming and stuff
that would make it even better
Really really cold.
I was working out back of the shop, so it meant i had this cold air constantly on me
it kinda sucked. but you know, its what pays
and well, I LOVE MONEY.
I had alot of money recently, half-terms changed that though
I spent like £200 within days
its been worth it though, ive got some sweet stuff
and seen some sweet people
in fact alot of sweet people. (:
I really like my friends
i actually get on with my current group really well,
ohyeah, i bougth some guitar strings right.
to re-string mine and all that.
But ive realised
i dont know wtf to do with them, seriously.
you just shove 'em on there or what?
I cant wait for my board to come.
its gunna be sweeeeeeeeeeet.
im hoping this is also gunna give me some opportunities to do some filming and stuff
that would make it even better
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Everything is brilliant. I coudn't ask for better right now
Ive got really used to wearing my glasses now. I try and make sure i dont wear them when i obviously don't need to.
but i feel quite comfortable in them now and im not so worried about looking weird and w/e
its really good, and the better vision thing is also i big bonus.
Stuff is much clearer with them on. (:
Today was one of the best days out ive had in ages.
It was really really good, i had alot of fun.
& I got to do some nice things, and i bought some good cd's & it was just awesome.
I had my cousins 30th party thing last night.
It was ok in the end. I was expecting a really awkward family party in which i said about 2 words. Luckily there were nice people there
and it was quite good
The buffet table was awesome. I went up about 5 times, it was wicked cool yo'
I did miss not having my grand-dad though, its not the same without him
I really have been happy recently
Ive got really used to wearing my glasses now. I try and make sure i dont wear them when i obviously don't need to.
but i feel quite comfortable in them now and im not so worried about looking weird and w/e
its really good, and the better vision thing is also i big bonus.
Stuff is much clearer with them on. (:
Today was one of the best days out ive had in ages.
It was really really good, i had alot of fun.
& I got to do some nice things, and i bought some good cd's & it was just awesome.
I had my cousins 30th party thing last night.
It was ok in the end. I was expecting a really awkward family party in which i said about 2 words. Luckily there were nice people there
and it was quite good
The buffet table was awesome. I went up about 5 times, it was wicked cool yo'
I did miss not having my grand-dad though, its not the same without him
I really have been happy recently
Thursday, 3 April 2008
So i got my glasses today
the shop didnt have much choice, and no MASSIVE glasses that i was hoping for
but i settled for like the 2nd biggest (still not all that big)
but yeah, my nose is even fucking bigger now ;)
nah im ok with them, im ready for a 'grilling' tomorrow
Also i visited my grandad again today
and i really didnt enjoy it.
t was nice seeing him and all, no doubt about that. But at the end he got upset and wanted me to take him and i ended up having to leave with him shouting out for me
it was pretty horrible :/
i dont feel like a nice person for it at all.
Besides that situation everything is pretty good at the moment,
im pretty happy with everything going on right now
seems like its been my past week or so (:
the shop didnt have much choice, and no MASSIVE glasses that i was hoping for
but i settled for like the 2nd biggest (still not all that big)
but yeah, my nose is even fucking bigger now ;)
nah im ok with them, im ready for a 'grilling' tomorrow
Also i visited my grandad again today
and i really didnt enjoy it.
t was nice seeing him and all, no doubt about that. But at the end he got upset and wanted me to take him and i ended up having to leave with him shouting out for me
it was pretty horrible :/
i dont feel like a nice person for it at all.
Besides that situation everything is pretty good at the moment,
im pretty happy with everything going on right now
seems like its been my past week or so (:
Monday, 31 March 2008
My graphics is finished.
no more.
absolutely no more coursework (:
im really chuffed about it. It means i can be geeky again now and give some of my time back to games & being cool.
Im def up for this whole skateboarding attempt, well i tried on mine a min ago and i can still ollie sort of and stuff. So im guessing it will be really fun, specially with some friends and all.
Yesterday was good.
I remember chichester being slightly cooler but then again i was with family & stuff last time so it would seem different & w/e
it was really good though, it was nice meeting millie
and i always have a good time with miles anyway
so it was really good fun, ESPECIALLY THE LUNCH TIME.
also my itunes is dead now, & foobar has replaced.
it seems pretty cool.
i think it's gunna take awhile to get used to though, its got some weird shiz on there.
My graphics is finished.
no more.
absolutely no more coursework (:
im really chuffed about it. It means i can be geeky again now and give some of my time back to games & being cool.
Im def up for this whole skateboarding attempt, well i tried on mine a min ago and i can still ollie sort of and stuff. So im guessing it will be really fun, specially with some friends and all.
Yesterday was good.
I remember chichester being slightly cooler but then again i was with family & stuff last time so it would seem different & w/e
it was really good though, it was nice meeting millie
and i always have a good time with miles anyway
so it was really good fun, ESPECIALLY THE LUNCH TIME.
also my itunes is dead now, & foobar has replaced.
it seems pretty cool.
i think it's gunna take awhile to get used to though, its got some weird shiz on there.
Friday, 28 March 2008
So my parents want to report an "assault" to the police after my little 'on the walk home' fiasco.
I cant be bothered with the hassle but my mums all 'eeeee, must get more bobbies on the street'. Its kinda lame cause i feel like a dick about it all.
that sorta stuff always does. I feel like a pussy for running off but at the time my graphics work was most important. I didnt spend all that time for nothing after all.
Anyway, today was pretty good.
My graphics is basically finished now, just need to finish up the last two little parts and il be done.
I cant bloody wait. Il finally be able to do some other stuff after school and that now, or even make some more money picking up my brothers again. Either way its pretty good.
Ive found a couple of cool lookin' tees on the interwebs. They're from america but the exchange makes it come out at about £10 a tee. which is bargain in my books. and packaging overall is only like a fiver. So imma try and get me some tee soon.
Also im now planning my next weekend in town buying expensive things.
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
yeah, i havn't been on here in ageessssssssssss
like awhole two weeks or something & im very sorry blog.
tbh, ive actually quite missed you
so let me fill you in on my current isk, status?
il get back to you guys this friday then, and i promise its this friday now in two weeks or anything.
oh yeah, also have this.

I really really like Marvel zombies,
artwork is creepy as fuck. But i like
like awhole two weeks or something & im very sorry blog.
tbh, ive actually quite missed you
so let me fill you in on my current isk, status?
- Ive been off this for awhile because over the past few weeks ive had quite alot of deadlines for pieces of random coursework. So i thought it was probably best i focused myself on what was most important. I know thats the lamest excuse since, as someone pointed out, it takes like 2 mins to do this but anything with me is a potential distraction & well i really just wanted to avoid everything i possibly could at that time. So yeah, i still have another deadline this friday for a load of graphics but i will post up today and then probably again friday, when i will finally be a free man ;)
- As well as sorting out coursework ive also just tried to sort myself out in general. I need to stop being such a bastard since its ruining stuff for me quite alot, plus i dont want to turn into PURE HATE. so yeah just trying to organise stuff out and just generally working out what i want right now. Its still kind of blurred right now really. Its a problem cause i tend to bottle rather than talking or releasing stuff, so its kinda hard sometimes.
- The drawing has been halted too, thanks to coursework. But ive taken the oppurtunity to again, look into some comic book artists styles and read a few comics that i hadn't got round too. From this friday i will be drawing again properly. Ive been doing the odd sketch everyday but yeah, back to going for it properly is best if i want to improve.
- Right now, im actually in the money. I did a few extra bits & pieces and ive managed to get hold of me some real money ;) It feels nice though, having quite alot but actually knowing its all actually been earnt for myself. Idk what to do with it though, i was so hoping for a camcorder but my views and plans have been skewed since i found out a few things and i think its best i get into my filmmaking course first before i buy my own. Get to grips first and all that. I woudnt mind buying a Ps3 but i feel so geeky doing that. im not really sure.
il get back to you guys this friday then, and i promise its this friday now in two weeks or anything.
oh yeah, also have this.
I really really like Marvel zombies,
artwork is creepy as fuck. But i like
Sunday, 9 March 2008
holy shit.
ive finallyyyy got rid of my nintendo wii, and its about time. That means that now i also have enough to order myself some digital camcorder.
so that means me + haz + miles + various other SWEET/WICKED/COOL people can make some really lame videos, i can't wait. it's gunna be awesome. I dont have any software or w/e but im got movie maker so that'l do (:
ive gotta re-record alex's media stuff for him as well so having a proper 'corder and the tripod should make that a helluva lot easier now, and either way it was really fun last time so it should be cool this time as well. especially if i stay round miles again. Last time we thought it would be easier to get up early if we just didnt sleep at all, which yeah, is just pretty fucking ridiculous
and the whole day was just good in general.
anyway, my weekend also has been fine.
working yesterday was really good, god i love saying that. i took advantage of the whole ' you can have free stuff' thign this week though, so i filled up my bag with stuff. i mean its only fruit etc but then its also free so AWESOME.
& today i had miles over to sort out are music gcse piece since its like months late or something. We sorted out a song , evil by Interpol, but we didnt practise at all. instead we played a 'version' of slamball, which you should all youtube cause its an awesome sport. out version was nothign like it though. it was worse. but still somehow fun (:

right, im off to do my daily draw an object thing.
ive finallyyyy got rid of my nintendo wii, and its about time. That means that now i also have enough to order myself some digital camcorder.
so that means me + haz + miles + various other SWEET/WICKED/COOL people can make some really lame videos, i can't wait. it's gunna be awesome. I dont have any software or w/e but im got movie maker so that'l do (:
ive gotta re-record alex's media stuff for him as well so having a proper 'corder and the tripod should make that a helluva lot easier now, and either way it was really fun last time so it should be cool this time as well. especially if i stay round miles again. Last time we thought it would be easier to get up early if we just didnt sleep at all, which yeah, is just pretty fucking ridiculous
and the whole day was just good in general.
anyway, my weekend also has been fine.
working yesterday was really good, god i love saying that. i took advantage of the whole ' you can have free stuff' thign this week though, so i filled up my bag with stuff. i mean its only fruit etc but then its also free so AWESOME.
& today i had miles over to sort out are music gcse piece since its like months late or something. We sorted out a song , evil by Interpol, but we didnt practise at all. instead we played a 'version' of slamball, which you should all youtube cause its an awesome sport. out version was nothign like it though. it was worse. but still somehow fun (:
right, im off to do my daily draw an object thing.
Thursday, 6 March 2008
Man, tf2 is awesome.
I really enjoyed that last night with sam & miles. IT WAS FUN. Although it was so annoying at first with my internets very close to death experience :/
Turns out my brother was being lame and using bitTorrent again, which means no-one else int he house should even attempt to use a computer
but yeah it was cool once i got on there, and i had alot of fun.
Same again tonight please.
So day off today,
this means PIZZA HUT.
And seriously, I LOVE PIZZA HUT.
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Furze lane.
im real tired tonight, so imma head of the computer soon.
im really looking forward to getting in bed, i need to do loads of things before i can though D:
So i got another message from Tony Moore today, which was super awesome.
He's given me something to do which will apparently help with my drawing alot. Luckily it was very similar to what ive been doing since yesterday. So its been quite good to get into (:
Im really getting into it this time round, its becoming more fun & enjoyable. Just gotta keep practising, thats my weak point.
Today was also quite good anyway, nothing went wrong that i can remember
also, i ate alot of cookies.
they were very nice cookies.
Oh yeah.
I mentioned you (:
im real tired tonight, so imma head of the computer soon.
im really looking forward to getting in bed, i need to do loads of things before i can though D:
So i got another message from Tony Moore today, which was super awesome.
He's given me something to do which will apparently help with my drawing alot. Luckily it was very similar to what ive been doing since yesterday. So its been quite good to get into (:
Im really getting into it this time round, its becoming more fun & enjoyable. Just gotta keep practising, thats my weak point.
Today was also quite good anyway, nothing went wrong that i can remember
also, i ate alot of cookies.
they were very nice cookies.
Oh yeah.
I mentioned you (:
Monday, 3 March 2008
Where's the Reset button?
Okay, ive finally started up the drawing again and got
so congrats to me for being lame.
anyway yeah
the first section is all about wording and the like.
So ive learnt what the different parts of a comic are called
like all the names for panels etc. Then it goes onto different types of shots, sort of like in filming. Where you get like a medium shot or a long shot.
So ive gone over that stuff and now im on section 2, which is the first drawing part. Its all about perception and giving an object a look of weight rather than just looking flat. Its about thinking through the object itself and making it feel real.
So yeah this is one of the longer more thoughtful sections
so congrats to me for being lame.
anyway yeah
the first section is all about wording and the like.
So ive learnt what the different parts of a comic are called
like all the names for panels etc. Then it goes onto different types of shots, sort of like in filming. Where you get like a medium shot or a long shot.
So ive gone over that stuff and now im on section 2, which is the first drawing part. Its all about perception and giving an object a look of weight rather than just looking flat. Its about thinking through the object itself and making it feel real.
So yeah this is one of the longer more thoughtful sections
Sunday, 2 March 2008
Saving is very lame.
Soon. Very very soon.
I seriously hate saving. I mean i went into town and i saw everything id like right now, literally. I wanted to buy so many cd's & dvds & bits of clothing it was insane. Btw hmv have a cool 2 for £10 deal going on, its awesome stuff.
I know it'll be worth it in a few weeks, like when im finally holding THE SUPER CAMCORDER. But up until then i have to try and hide from all sweeeeet money related things, and unluckily most things i like cost money D:
Imma do this anyway though, cause i realllly want this camcorder already ;)
Ive finally finished watching absolutely everything on that dvd set that you possibly can. It was really good, it's one of those shows you can watch soo many times and if anything it gets better with every viewing. Its made my evenings this week SUPER COOL.
Shame i don't have anything else to watch now though.
Although i could watch the I.t Crowd but its not really the same. I liked my firefly >____<
Tonight is Wii night, and by that i mean i activate the one week bidding session for it.
Hopefully something will come up.
I really really need it to sell if i want this camcorder. Its basically 2/3 of the money for it
'Fingers crossed'
Friday, 29 February 2008
It's Friday.
Woot. Weekend has cometh.
I wish i was out doing something right now. Im so goddamn bored its unbelievable and i spose i do have work tomorrow as well so i dont want to be tired tomorrow. Im not so worried about that though, since last time i was up until 2 after tons of pizza etc and still managed to get through a day of work completely fine.
So i think tonight,
Il probably watch the last episode of Firefly in the season so that ive finished my second run through of it. Then il do some of my drawing and get that started up. Maybe watch another film & then the rest will be spent on this here computer...refreshing my myspace page. KLDHSKDJMKDJ
It was quite cool, my dad finished his last day at his current job today. The people there must have liked him since his leaving presents were pretty awesome and he now has like £250 voucher money and stuff, so yeah thats kinda cool.
Today was cool again. Nothing particualy fun happened but stuff has been going ok recently.
I had a dentist appointment, i really don't like dentist stuff, im not sure why? But it went fine either way and i dont need to go back anytime soon or anything which is good.
I wish i was out doing something right now. Im so goddamn bored its unbelievable and i spose i do have work tomorrow as well so i dont want to be tired tomorrow. Im not so worried about that though, since last time i was up until 2 after tons of pizza etc and still managed to get through a day of work completely fine.
So i think tonight,
Il probably watch the last episode of Firefly in the season so that ive finished my second run through of it. Then il do some of my drawing and get that started up. Maybe watch another film & then the rest will be spent on this here computer...refreshing my myspace page. KLDHSKDJMKDJ
It was quite cool, my dad finished his last day at his current job today. The people there must have liked him since his leaving presents were pretty awesome and he now has like £250 voucher money and stuff, so yeah thats kinda cool.
Today was cool again. Nothing particualy fun happened but stuff has been going ok recently.
I had a dentist appointment, i really don't like dentist stuff, im not sure why? But it went fine either way and i dont need to go back anytime soon or anything which is good.
Thursday, 28 February 2008
Yeah but it just came now and it looks real cool.
Im proper shattered atm though so ive decided to hold onto my crazy excitement until tomorrow and get a fresh ol' start on mah drawing skillz. blud.
Today was good.
Mothers day is now sorted and i also got food & stuff that was tasty. I also met some sort of insane man who talked about poisin and various other weird things.
He had a crazy snake tatoo as well & he wore leathers ;)
I almost wet myself tbh.
I wached the Dexter program last night and really enjoyed it. I thought it was def worth watching! The main character, Dexter (obvs) is played out really well. It feels awkward watching him and you really get a sense that he's just not quite right.
Definately tuning into it next week.

So yeah,
Good day, s'been nice.
Yeah but it just came now and it looks real cool.
Im proper shattered atm though so ive decided to hold onto my crazy excitement until tomorrow and get a fresh ol' start on mah drawing skillz. blud.
Today was good.
Mothers day is now sorted and i also got food & stuff that was tasty. I also met some sort of insane man who talked about poisin and various other weird things.
He had a crazy snake tatoo as well & he wore leathers ;)
I almost wet myself tbh.
I wached the Dexter program last night and really enjoyed it. I thought it was def worth watching! The main character, Dexter (obvs) is played out really well. It feels awkward watching him and you really get a sense that he's just not quite right.
Definately tuning into it next week.
So yeah,
Good day, s'been nice.
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
I <3 MUM
Ive been told to watch it. My friend miles tells me about alot of tv shows and so far all of the ones ive seen through him have been cool. So imma watch it & see. Im not usually a crime program person like i rarely watch csi or anything like that but ive been told this is different, and im pretty open minded about it anyway so
Urgh. Mothers day.
Id completely forgotten about it.
Imma have to spend some money tomorrow on a gift, not sure what just yet though,
Il try and get her something nice since she does do alot for me etc.
Hah, i dont mean to sound so harsh about Mothers day. I just had forgotten about it and had plans for my money so I have to re-arrange stuff now :/
but you know,

Oh yeah, I need some help right.
I was gunna be lame and buy a ps3 but ive found that there might be a better version coming later this year.
Do i go ahead and buy the digital camcorder ive been wanting like in the next few weeks, or do i continue my plan into Ps3ness.
I do like the idea of my camcorder, it means i can start doing my whole
'Lol im crazy, i video everything, how funny is this lads'
Yeah so if you read this, the 3 people etc. WHO I LOVE DEARLY MAY I ADD
help me outttttttt D:
Ive been told to watch it. My friend miles tells me about alot of tv shows and so far all of the ones ive seen through him have been cool. So imma watch it & see. Im not usually a crime program person like i rarely watch csi or anything like that but ive been told this is different, and im pretty open minded about it anyway so
Urgh. Mothers day.
Id completely forgotten about it.
Imma have to spend some money tomorrow on a gift, not sure what just yet though,
Il try and get her something nice since she does do alot for me etc.
Hah, i dont mean to sound so harsh about Mothers day. I just had forgotten about it and had plans for my money so I have to re-arrange stuff now :/
but you know,
Oh yeah, I need some help right.
I was gunna be lame and buy a ps3 but ive found that there might be a better version coming later this year.
Do i go ahead and buy the digital camcorder ive been wanting like in the next few weeks, or do i continue my plan into Ps3ness.
I do like the idea of my camcorder, it means i can start doing my whole
'Lol im crazy, i video everything, how funny is this lads'
Yeah so if you read this, the 3 people etc. WHO I LOVE DEARLY MAY I ADD
help me outttttttt D:
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Mhmm yes
So im still up for this new start.
I havnt managed to get together everything i need yet though, so i havn't been able to start yet :/
Ive sent my someone to get me a cheap sketch pad so i can draw on something proper, replacing the terrible little pad ive been currently using.
So tomorrow
Ive really got to try and get this stuff sorted.
I give up wayy to easily.
I havnt managed to get together everything i need yet though, so i havn't been able to start yet :/
Ive sent my someone to get me a cheap sketch pad so i can draw on something proper, replacing the terrible little pad ive been currently using.
So tomorrow
- I will not be so angry &/or hate certain people. (I might not follow this one through)
- Open Marvel guide from page 1. AND BEGIN MY JOURNEY
Ive really got to try and get this stuff sorted.
I give up wayy to easily.
Monday, 25 February 2008
Fresh, Fresh & Fresh.
Im going back to the basics.
I feel like i havnt got he right start with this drawing thing. So im starting from the first page, and im gunna work though nice & rushes. Im hoping to get a better grip before i get on to the more difficult body stages. I also think im just not putting enough practise into it all, Something which most definately plays a very important part in this.
So my new challenge is just keeping it cool, not overplaying it & pushing myself too fast. Just play it safe and slow until ive built up my confidence on the basic stuff before i jump to advanced ;)
Im also going to make sure i up the blog more often since ive slacked recently.
I blame most of these problems im now having on myself, im just lazy...real lazy.
But i can overcome this, WITH SELF-CONFIDENCE
Sunday, 24 February 2008
it's back to school tomorrow, AIYEEAHHHH :|
its gunna be preetttttyyy lamee.
So i need to get back into the swing of stuff
Ive had a proper lazy hlaf-term this time round, i mean ive still been out & seen friends etc but when ive been hom eive just eaten, slept and watched tv or played video games
Only problem has been that i have done barely any drawing
but its all coming back now.
Im not sure where to go with it though atm, i feel like going back to the start of the marvel guide and this time going through every step nice & slowly.
But im worried i will find it all too boring or something :/
il work it out this week or something (:
Ive been checking out Eagles of death Metal, they are pretty cool.
nothing like the rest of the stuff ive been listening too
but i quite like them
Im also really into Damn arms atm.
Id like to start posting this around soon.
get a view more viewers or something
cause really otherwise, theres no point me writing this.
besides for the benefits it gives me.
Oh yeah, Cats scare easily.
its gunna be preetttttyyy lamee.
So i need to get back into the swing of stuff
Ive had a proper lazy hlaf-term this time round, i mean ive still been out & seen friends etc but when ive been hom eive just eaten, slept and watched tv or played video games
Only problem has been that i have done barely any drawing
but its all coming back now.
Im not sure where to go with it though atm, i feel like going back to the start of the marvel guide and this time going through every step nice & slowly.
But im worried i will find it all too boring or something :/
il work it out this week or something (:
Ive been checking out Eagles of death Metal, they are pretty cool.
nothing like the rest of the stuff ive been listening too
but i quite like them
Im also really into Damn arms atm.
Id like to start posting this around soon.
get a view more viewers or something
cause really otherwise, theres no point me writing this.
besides for the benefits it gives me.
Oh yeah, Cats scare easily.
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
God damn I want rid of my wii.
It does nothing for me anymore, and im just never planning on using it. I took it down to Game today to check out how much i can get for it but they've said £184.
I spent like over £300 on that thing. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!
Im gunna try and sell it on the Freeads shit.
All of it for £220
that seems fair.
portsmouth people will think thats fair....i hope
Once thats out of the way though,
3 weeks and I will have a Ps3.
God im such a fag ;)
& i love it tbh.
I had subway today, it was nice. Then chocolate, yeah i know IM PUSHING THE BOAT OUT.
Also im proper addicted to youtube atm. Ive been surfing it for two days straight almost.
its nice on there (:
It does nothing for me anymore, and im just never planning on using it. I took it down to Game today to check out how much i can get for it but they've said £184.
I spent like over £300 on that thing. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!
Im gunna try and sell it on the Freeads shit.
All of it for £220
that seems fair.
portsmouth people will think thats fair....i hope
Once thats out of the way though,
3 weeks and I will have a Ps3.
God im such a fag ;)
& i love it tbh.
I had subway today, it was nice. Then chocolate, yeah i know IM PUSHING THE BOAT OUT.
Also im proper addicted to youtube atm. Ive been surfing it for two days straight almost.
its nice on there (:
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
Day Twenty-eight.
Well i didn't post a few days, and im sorry for that.
Ive been pretty busy with stuff & i hadn't done much interesting stuff anyway.
So last night i did a hellboy drawing, just you know
I got told the best way to learn was to just draw something first
then work from that.
So i did it.
& it wasn't quite as bad as i thought but you can def tell i did it at 1am with a partially pitch black room
So i think il keep this plan up.
and im gunna practise noses abit more, like at different angles.
im starting to get the hang of 'em now.
This half term, My inner geek has got way big. :/
I THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD, like completely gone.
but he's not
hes still alive.

I spent a whole day playing Orange Box, HL:Ep2 & Portal.
and tbh, it was awesome.
Goodbye plans to stop, im back in there ;)
hah, im lame.
I had some freinds over yesterday which was good, im having them stay friday for pizza & guitar hero
which should be really cool.
well, im out.
Ive been pretty busy with stuff & i hadn't done much interesting stuff anyway.
So last night i did a hellboy drawing, just you know
I got told the best way to learn was to just draw something first
then work from that.
So i did it.
& it wasn't quite as bad as i thought but you can def tell i did it at 1am with a partially pitch black room
So i think il keep this plan up.
and im gunna practise noses abit more, like at different angles.
im starting to get the hang of 'em now.
This half term, My inner geek has got way big. :/
I THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD, like completely gone.
but he's not
hes still alive.
I spent a whole day playing Orange Box, HL:Ep2 & Portal.
and tbh, it was awesome.
Goodbye plans to stop, im back in there ;)
hah, im lame.
I had some freinds over yesterday which was good, im having them stay friday for pizza & guitar hero
which should be really cool.
well, im out.
Saturday, 16 February 2008
Day twenty-five.
First day of actual work today.

I have to say, vegetable shops are actually pretty hard work, im proper tired & real worn out. But it feels great knowing that ive earnt my own money. I worked less hours today being my first and all and still managed to get £30 for it ;)
its awesomee!
And my walk home, strolled into the small comic shop on the way. Saw pretty much every comic ive wanted in the past 5 years. I saved my money though since with half-term and that im probably gunna need some spare money to go out and that.
well tonight
im out with some friends
should be good, besides the fact im already exhausted ;)
I have to say, vegetable shops are actually pretty hard work, im proper tired & real worn out. But it feels great knowing that ive earnt my own money. I worked less hours today being my first and all and still managed to get £30 for it ;)
its awesomee!
And my walk home, strolled into the small comic shop on the way. Saw pretty much every comic ive wanted in the past 5 years. I saved my money though since with half-term and that im probably gunna need some spare money to go out and that.
well tonight
im out with some friends
should be good, besides the fact im already exhausted ;)
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Day twenty-two.
Holy shit im lazy.
I feel like im repeating that alot on here now, but
I can't seem to put my mind to one thing for very long at all
and drawing (as far as im concerned) requires time & practise
Both of which im not giving it enough
Im def going to have to sort this out.
Real soon, like within a week, maybe days.
I blame video games & the internet.
Soon as i get home im on the computer and once im there thats pretty much it for the night. Myspace & itunes basically keep my alive. I'd say that's pretty worrying, then again, i do enjoy it. Its addictive.
So i owe Rob alot.
Ive been behind on a design for a box in graphics for awhile & Rob pretty much saved my ass. He did the last couple of sides i needed doing and edited the ones i had. It looks awesome now, really really good. I never would of thought he'd be so good at photoshop before but i guess thats cause ive only really been speaking to him for awhile now. Im hoping to speak to him more in the future, he's a damn cool kid.

Well, im happy right now. Im getting on well with people
& besides my earlier rant, things are good
I feel like im repeating that alot on here now, but
I can't seem to put my mind to one thing for very long at all
and drawing (as far as im concerned) requires time & practise
Both of which im not giving it enough
Im def going to have to sort this out.
Real soon, like within a week, maybe days.
I blame video games & the internet.
Soon as i get home im on the computer and once im there thats pretty much it for the night. Myspace & itunes basically keep my alive. I'd say that's pretty worrying, then again, i do enjoy it. Its addictive.
So i owe Rob alot.
Ive been behind on a design for a box in graphics for awhile & Rob pretty much saved my ass. He did the last couple of sides i needed doing and edited the ones i had. It looks awesome now, really really good. I never would of thought he'd be so good at photoshop before but i guess thats cause ive only really been speaking to him for awhile now. Im hoping to speak to him more in the future, he's a damn cool kid.
Well, im happy right now. Im getting on well with people
& besides my earlier rant, things are good
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Day twenty-one.
Oh man sweet, into the twenties ;)
So yesterday was actually pretty good,
I watched skins for the first time properly & yeah it seemed pretty good.
i liked it (:
also i managed to get some more of my psych c/w done and im happy with that
its always the think i want to do but can never bother :/
Also, i feel lame
because i played on the xbox yesterday
it was kinda fun though
Today was good as well, so things seem to be pretty good recently.
I need to do more c/w tonight
and also abit more time on drawing.
I think im spending too little time ont he drawing
especially if im planning to carry it on quite highly

but yeah
things are awesome right now (:
So yesterday was actually pretty good,
I watched skins for the first time properly & yeah it seemed pretty good.
i liked it (:
also i managed to get some more of my psych c/w done and im happy with that
its always the think i want to do but can never bother :/
Also, i feel lame
because i played on the xbox yesterday
it was kinda fun though
Today was good as well, so things seem to be pretty good recently.
I need to do more c/w tonight
and also abit more time on drawing.
I think im spending too little time ont he drawing
especially if im planning to carry it on quite highly
but yeah
things are awesome right now (:
Sunday, 10 February 2008
Day nineteen.
I didn't do anything id planned to today :/ and i feel kinda bad about it. It seems like every sunday i ruin stuff by just no doing anything i plan too. Although i will draw tonight since i seem to do most of it at night anyway, I havn't finished hardly any of my homeworks.
So ive been kinda lameee.
That said today has been nice, it's the first day ive seen some sun properly in agess.
so ive been sat about doing the sun.
Ive actually quite enjoyed it (:
So yeah, this week knock down.
Also, i was dressed as this guy earlier ;)
I didn't do anything id planned to today :/ and i feel kinda bad about it. It seems like every sunday i ruin stuff by just no doing anything i plan too. Although i will draw tonight since i seem to do most of it at night anyway, I havn't finished hardly any of my homeworks.
So ive been kinda lameee.
That said today has been nice, it's the first day ive seen some sun properly in agess.
so ive been sat about doing the sun.
Ive actually quite enjoyed it (:
So yeah, this week knock down.
Also, i was dressed as this guy earlier ;)
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Day eighteen.
But i have had a really good weekend so far. (:
last night was really good with the people round
and today i saw more people and had more fun
I had some good news as well last night, as
ive finally got a job.
Id been trying to get a job at this vegetable shop and it just never went through
but the guy got in touch last night
and he's ringing me in the week to sort it all out.
so thats also really good.
Im having a day in tomorrow
for revision but also to push with drawing,
ive hardly done any the past two days so i will need to do some tomorrow to keep in the swing.
But i have had a really good weekend so far. (:
last night was really good with the people round
and today i saw more people and had more fun
I had some good news as well last night, as
ive finally got a job.
Id been trying to get a job at this vegetable shop and it just never went through
but the guy got in touch last night
and he's ringing me in the week to sort it all out.
so thats also really good.
Im having a day in tomorrow
for revision but also to push with drawing,
ive hardly done any the past two days so i will need to do some tomorrow to keep in the swing.
Friday, 8 February 2008
Day seventeen.
so i was supposed to be in just quietly tonight.
i now have some friends coming round?
sounds pretty good (:
I will draw tonight, but with friends it means it wont be until alot later tonight.
so im off for food
and people.
so i was supposed to be in just quietly tonight.
i now have some friends coming round?
sounds pretty good (:
I will draw tonight, but with friends it means it wont be until alot later tonight.
so im off for food
and people.
Thursday, 7 February 2008
Day sixteen.
Oh bby;
This week is starting to get a little tedious, not really all that sure why. I guess im letting things get to me this week :/
which is kinda lame.
Reaper last night was really good. Next weeks episode starts up where i left off, so i need to make sure I don't miss it. The little 30 sec preview made it look awesome (:
and, tonight is never mind the buzzcocks. Weds & Thurs seem to be the only day with good tv
but im glad its those programs - they're good enough (:
Watched some more Firefly earlier, I almost watched Transformers too
but i realised how long the film is and I cba then.
Im still pretty happy with the drawing atm, im getting more and more confident with the body shaping. Im now able to draw the structures in more complex positions and that.
which is quite cool.
well. tomorrow is friday, so that means closer to the weekend
Thank God.
This week is starting to get a little tedious, not really all that sure why. I guess im letting things get to me this week :/
which is kinda lame.
Reaper last night was really good. Next weeks episode starts up where i left off, so i need to make sure I don't miss it. The little 30 sec preview made it look awesome (:
and, tonight is never mind the buzzcocks. Weds & Thurs seem to be the only day with good tv
but im glad its those programs - they're good enough (:
Watched some more Firefly earlier, I almost watched Transformers too
but i realised how long the film is and I cba then.
Im still pretty happy with the drawing atm, im getting more and more confident with the body shaping. Im now able to draw the structures in more complex positions and that.
which is quite cool.
well. tomorrow is friday, so that means closer to the weekend
Thank God.
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Day fifteen.
Firefly has arrived! Sweeeeeet (:
I know what il be watching tonight now, ossum
So last night, i was watching Spiderman 3, which is a real good movie i think. But anyway
I was just randomly doing my sketches while watching of body shapes etc.
Later on though i had a go at a quick spiderman drawing
it actually came out alright, its only really a bust.
cause it's mostly incomplete :/
If i can get my scanner working, il post it later on.
But yeah more of the same today, body shapes and all that.
Im actually really starting to get into it now though;
got alot of C/w and stuff to do first though
I know what il be watching tonight now, ossum
So last night, i was watching Spiderman 3, which is a real good movie i think. But anyway
I was just randomly doing my sketches while watching of body shapes etc.
Later on though i had a go at a quick spiderman drawing
it actually came out alright, its only really a bust.
cause it's mostly incomplete :/
If i can get my scanner working, il post it later on.
But yeah more of the same today, body shapes and all that.
Im actually really starting to get into it now though;
got alot of C/w and stuff to do first though
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
Day fourteen.
So the figure drawing needs some touching up. My figures have kinda slacked recently
and im kind of moving away from how they should look
I will sort it out.
I actually will.
Also happy pancake day people. I havn't got any sadly & idk how to make 'em?
But to all those eating them 'OH MAN AWESOME'
Things at school are kind of weird recently.
the actual work is going ok. I stayed for 2 hours last night to finish maths c/w.
but relationships with people and stuff are getting real weird :/
its pretty annoying.
anyway, tonight
spiderman 3 movie night?
& maybe 28 days/weeks later
So the figure drawing needs some touching up. My figures have kinda slacked recently
and im kind of moving away from how they should look
I will sort it out.
I actually will.
Also happy pancake day people. I havn't got any sadly & idk how to make 'em?
But to all those eating them 'OH MAN AWESOME'
Things at school are kind of weird recently.
the actual work is going ok. I stayed for 2 hours last night to finish maths c/w.
but relationships with people and stuff are getting real weird :/
its pretty annoying.
anyway, tonight
spiderman 3 movie night?
& maybe 28 days/weeks later
Sunday, 3 February 2008
Part two - oh yus.
Didn't go to chichester. or anywhere. Had a lame day in, so i could finish work & stuff. all of which is still lying on my table.
Ive just ordered two books.
Yeah im pretty much the cap'n of cool now.
I really need to sort myself out. I still can't focus on anything, it's really not going to help me at all this year if I don't learn to soon :/
oh yeah, i tried to make a video to post up here. I havn't though cause it really really sucked.
Honestly it was actually cringe-worthy.
so you wont be seeing it anytime soon...sorry.
also i find it funny that im actually talking as if there are lots of people who really enjoying reading this.
i think its just luke reading this, Hi luke btw, but yeah.
Ive just ordered two books.
Yeah im pretty much the cap'n of cool now.
I really need to sort myself out. I still can't focus on anything, it's really not going to help me at all this year if I don't learn to soon :/
oh yeah, i tried to make a video to post up here. I havn't though cause it really really sucked.
Honestly it was actually cringe-worthy.
so you wont be seeing it anytime soon...sorry.
also i find it funny that im actually talking as if there are lots of people who really enjoying reading this.
i think its just luke reading this, Hi luke btw, but yeah.
Day twelve.

Was awesome.
I actually really enjoyed it, i can see why some people felt sick though. It uses the whole handycam style really well and its story line is pretty cool.
Also, there was more of the monster then i had been told so I got to see it abit more, and obviously it looks much cooler in the cinema when you can actually see it clearly.
yeah though, go see cloverfield, it's worth it.
Today i might be in chichester, so drawing may be later again. as usual?
Theres a Waterstones down there that always delivers when it comes to comics so im hoping to find either The Walking Dead, B.P.R.D or something else thats good.
The drawing is still on the whole people shapes thing, and i honestly don't think il be doing anything else for a while.
Because you have to learn to draw any shape, im just watching tv and then drawing the positions the people in films are in, so it varies abit.
Was awesome.
I actually really enjoyed it, i can see why some people felt sick though. It uses the whole handycam style really well and its story line is pretty cool.
Also, there was more of the monster then i had been told so I got to see it abit more, and obviously it looks much cooler in the cinema when you can actually see it clearly.
yeah though, go see cloverfield, it's worth it.
Today i might be in chichester, so drawing may be later again. as usual?
Theres a Waterstones down there that always delivers when it comes to comics so im hoping to find either The Walking Dead, B.P.R.D or something else thats good.
The drawing is still on the whole people shapes thing, and i honestly don't think il be doing anything else for a while.
Because you have to learn to draw any shape, im just watching tv and then drawing the positions the people in films are in, so it varies abit.
Saturday, 2 February 2008
Day eleven.
Ok, i wont be doing stuff untill later again tonight.
Im off to see Cloverfield in about an hour.
I can't wait, ive been following it up ever since a friend showed me it a few months back.
Hopefully it'll live up to my expectations, although ive already seen most of it anyway ;)

Yeah, i will be drawing tonight, and hopefully scanning
it will be at least after 9ish.
so speak to you then, maybe.
Im off to see Cloverfield in about an hour.
I can't wait, ive been following it up ever since a friend showed me it a few months back.
Hopefully it'll live up to my expectations, although ive already seen most of it anyway ;)
Yeah, i will be drawing tonight, and hopefully scanning
it will be at least after 9ish.
so speak to you then, maybe.
Friday, 1 February 2008
Day Ten.
The blog may get boring for awhile.
From what ive read, it's best to stick with the figure drawing (pretty much bulky stickmen) until its like 2nd nature.
and because i want this to come out best, i may be sticking with it for a longgggg time.
This gives me the chance to update on some other stuff though.
First off check out the music blog that im part of. My friends miles & rob have posted up some awesome stuff on it.
It's good. (:
Right now im watching 300 on dvd.
Seriously, i never thought a movie with half naked guys could be so good.
I'd like to read the comic though now. Its apparently really good
Also, i finally ordered some dvd's ive been wanting
- Firefly boxset
- I.T Crowd boxset
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