Saturday 24 May 2008

Tim Bisley;

Okay, i made a few slight adjustments to the blog today. Nothing major, just some font changes & I also set it to show less etc. Im trying to make it look less stupid or something. Don't forget as well that I wont be posting here as much, probably once a week, up until my exams clear up and are out of the way. Although, im on half-term now. So i might post during the week at some point.

I have money now. Im going to order this Usb drumkit though, as soon as I organise my money into a bank or something. Id get my parents to buy it already but i get the impression they don't want too. Its tough buying it though anyway, What with Rock Band out now :|
I want that game so much but the price is seriously fucked up, Can't be bothered to spend that much for matter how much fun it looks...lots of fun....huge fun.

Right, im mid through watching Spaced: Season 2 & also listening to Pilgrim Fathers album. So i will get back to those now.

I <3 you blog.

Friday 16 May 2008

Sorry blog, i left you again.

I promise you blog that as soon as all this exam stuff is over i will love you again. I will love you so hard. I only have like 4 weeks of school now though, so don't you worry, I wont be long.

So I did a few exams this week:
  • Re
  • French
  • Music
Im actually pretty happy with how all of them went. Obviously i really don't care about Re because it's just a stupid lesson used to fill up a gap on the timetable but that said I think i maybe managed a C grade on it? hopefully?
Music went a helluva lot better than i expected & I feel quite comfortable about a C grade with it, which im pretty happy about. so yeah, first exam week = wooyeahokay.

tonight is going to be lazy night because of it though. I feel exhausted from this week & because im workign tomorrow imma do absolutely nothing but play games & eat tonight. Ive got a party thing tomorrow which im really looking forward to as well. Im going as the Flash & imo i think my outfit looks pretty cool. Its not like his really but it still looks awesome

right, brb doin' sweet stuff

Saturday 10 May 2008

Sorry blog, I wont leave you again.

My birthday was awesome, It was probably one of the best ive had in ages.
I got some sweet gifts & got to spend time with some cool people & it was sweeeeeet.
Now i have heaps of books to read,
some clothes to wear
and some food too.
its pretty brilliant

I have exams coming up in a few days too now but im feeling like pretty confident about somet of them now. So it should be okay & w/e. Just gotta do some revision

anyway, im pretty much tired, il post tomorrow

Saturday 3 May 2008


Today was crazy.
The cool guy was off work today, which left me with the two other guys who, although both also cool, i have loads less in common with. Means it was kinda awkward at points over the day and w/e. Also it turns out that having that third person makes alot of difference on the speed of stuff. I finish at 6 right, and today i didn't leave until about 8. Sure i made more money, but im fucking tired now...seriously. Also, i was looking forward to free comics today but it turns out free comic book day is tomorrow, it was cool looking around the shop anyway though. AND I GOT TO SEE MY BEST FRIEND MILES (:

Well its like a few hours and il be 16. Im not realy sure what to say to that, i def don't feel any older tbh. but still, birthdays are awesome so its gunna be cool. Plus i have two special 'birthday meals' tmorrow with family. then on bank holiday monday im going to the cinema with friends hopefully to see iron man. So all in all, should be a good birthday (: