Saturday 3 May 2008


Today was crazy.
The cool guy was off work today, which left me with the two other guys who, although both also cool, i have loads less in common with. Means it was kinda awkward at points over the day and w/e. Also it turns out that having that third person makes alot of difference on the speed of stuff. I finish at 6 right, and today i didn't leave until about 8. Sure i made more money, but im fucking tired now...seriously. Also, i was looking forward to free comics today but it turns out free comic book day is tomorrow, it was cool looking around the shop anyway though. AND I GOT TO SEE MY BEST FRIEND MILES (:

Well its like a few hours and il be 16. Im not realy sure what to say to that, i def don't feel any older tbh. but still, birthdays are awesome so its gunna be cool. Plus i have two special 'birthday meals' tmorrow with family. then on bank holiday monday im going to the cinema with friends hopefully to see iron man. So all in all, should be a good birthday (:

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