Thursday 30 April 2009


It's not even 24 hours now and i will be on my way to france via the shuttle. Im really looking forward to spending the time with Caitlin. Due to both of our extreme parents we have never spend that much time together really and im looking forward to this opportunity. Ive wanted to go back to france/germany for awhile now as well, so this is going to be the first birthday ive actually really looked forward to in years. Im pretty sure i have everything ready, i havnt over-packed, if anything ive under-packed. Ive got enough to last me the few days. Im hoping to get a few things whilst im there, i got given some extra money today so they may be easier to afford now.

Im done with digital film now. Had my final exam this morning until one and everything is now stuck into my book. It feels so good knowing i don't really have to do anything else with it again. Only downside is the lack of vicki in my timetable. I know a lot of my class hate her but i think she's my favourite teacher at college. She always seems to be really nice to me and i get on pretty well with her so im going to miss having her as a teacher.

Well final blog until im back, so i love you all and will speak to you soon. DONT WORRY GUYS ITS NOT LONG TILL HALFTERM, THEN YOU WILL LIVE WITH ME YES?

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Aux 1.

I need to get on with all this graphics/digital film book work. I have avoided far too many opportunities to just sit down and get on so far this week, and time is really starting to catch up on me. Im getting quite worried. I know if i just get on with it then i could probably finish it off in not all that long at all but its just getting myself to that point. I MUST DO IT. MUST DO IT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE.

Guess what.


Wednesday 22 April 2009


This is going to be a complete change in my style of blog recently, so be prepared for a little bit of a shock.

At current moment, this could change at any point, i am in an absolutely fucking amazing mood. I can't even understand why, well i can but w/e. Its like...right now im in exams alot, ive got alot of work to do and i should be stressing the fuck out...but im not. First i feel good about my work, i should probably kick up a bit but i really like what im doing right now and im feeling silently confident about it, which is nice. My whole 'hey man i have no self-confidence' thing is going pretty well. I am starting to realise that if i put my mind to it i can achieve things, and its sometimes just about really getting over my stupid little back-of-the-mind worries. Everything with Waitrose is going sweet. My outfit actually looks pretty good and not gay at all, and the benefits/pay/everything is really making me look forward to starting. I think the past week or so have just been really nice and yeah ive enjoyed it.

Ive got quite alot of digital film i should do tonight, in preperation for the exam tomorrow. Im going to do as much as possible but then again i can finish stuff off tomorrow in the exam as i don't have much else to do really.


Saturday 18 April 2009


There are few things that make me really aggravated, and today i experienced one of those. A decision has never been so hard to make and i know it probably was the best one, it was the single most fucking annoying one too. Obviously, as you will have guessed from my previous blog ramblings, i have probably once again blown some little detail out of proportion in my head but either way arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Next saturday is my final weekend at the veg shop. I dont know how to feel about that. I hate to say it but i will actually miss working there. I have quite a funny time there and i do get alot of pretty good stories to tell but its time to move on into something a little more structured and professional (and better paid).

I wish i could open up completely to someone but i can't.

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Please Do Not Bend.

My interview went pretty well as far as i could tell. I am pretty surprised in that i actually really enjoyed it. I was pretty nervous when i first got in there but once i had started to relax the activities were alright. I managed to make so much bullshit up that, if i may say so, i think sounded amazing. I wont go into it right now but one example is i managed to relate how i am like a dead octopus...yeah boy. Im staying pretty hopeful about the results, will hear within the week apparently. All of the perks sound pretty sweet too, theres some kind of Waitrose social club, like getting into nightclubs free (minus me being a baby of 16 still) and all this other money off and whatever.

Im feeling okay about most things right now. I really need to get over a couple of things going on in my head at the moment. It pains me how stupid i can be at times but ive built things up in my head that are so fucking hard to undo. Just need to keep on buildin' that confidence. yeeeeeeeeeeeeah.



poor rob. i love you..........and your eyes regardless of their condition.

Sunday 12 April 2009


Why is drinking so shit? I mean i like getting drunk, its pretty good, but it makes my head hurt like fuck the day after. There is now a perfect josh groove in my bed where i actually have not moved from this current spot at all today. Throwing up helped but i still feel like partial death. I didn't realise i had really annoyed my parents. I honestly had no idea, although expected home at 12, i apparently casually strolled in just after 2 and acted as if that was fine. To be fair i actually didn't know what time it was but yeah i had to explain that in a way that wasn't 'Sorry guys i was completely shitfaced'. I got that usual drugs chat again too.

So yeah, party last night was funny. It was weird but i enjoyed myself.

Kanye West is a pretty cool guy. I wish i was black and was cool, that would be awesome.

Friday 10 April 2009


I forgot that i hadn't posted back since my last aggressive post featuring alot of my brother. Yeah most of that post was pretty unnecessary but sometimes him being around all the time seriously does get to me, especially when it happens to be in my holidays. So yeah, he's still here, he still sucks and im still having to just get on with it. Life is cruel.

This easter has and hasn't felt like a holiday. It has because ive hardly done anything (including work/revision) and ive gained about a years worth of energy through sleeping most of the time. It hasn't because of my lack of seeing people. Ive seen my girlfriend like twice now, which it may sound sad but it does get to me. I would really like to see her alot more, i feel like i don't enough compared to other people. I guess im glad ive seen her at all though. Plus i havn't seen many other friends either, which i was really hoping i would of. Theres still time left i guess? (Yeah that was a hint guys...a hint).

Its wet today.


Monday 6 April 2009


My brother needs to get the fuck out of my room and fuck off back to uni because unlike him i have an actual life here to attend to. If my parents kick off at this opinion then they can fuck off there as well because they need to understand I DONT LIKE BEING IN A ROOM WITH MY OWN BROTHER WITH EITHER MY GIRLFRIEND OR JUST FRIENDS, WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO DO ANYTHING IF THEIR OWN BROTHER IS JUST AWKWARDLY SAT THERE.



Wednesday 1 April 2009


I got my bike today in the end. My old one managed to rustle up £35 which sounds incredibly poor but it was incredibly shit, so i guess that evens out. The new one is pretty sexy. Its not quite as old as i was hoping for but my dad had a good argument, since he was paying for it and would of rather i got something newer that would last and keep me safe and all that 'I love you son, don't die on me' shit. But yeah, its old looking enough, and its got a sweet old man pannier rack. So i can carry bags old guy style...or tie a dog up to it in a horribly insensitive way. So yeah im happy with that. Just need to learn to ride on the roads with the big boys (and giant metal cars capable of killing me instantly)......wooo.

My media is due in tomorrow, so unlike my old post im going to cut this off to go and eat and then do it. Sorry but my love for you guys (although like a truck) is going to have to be shuffled aside for the sake of my future to complete my work.