Sunday 12 April 2009


Why is drinking so shit? I mean i like getting drunk, its pretty good, but it makes my head hurt like fuck the day after. There is now a perfect josh groove in my bed where i actually have not moved from this current spot at all today. Throwing up helped but i still feel like partial death. I didn't realise i had really annoyed my parents. I honestly had no idea, although expected home at 12, i apparently casually strolled in just after 2 and acted as if that was fine. To be fair i actually didn't know what time it was but yeah i had to explain that in a way that wasn't 'Sorry guys i was completely shitfaced'. I got that usual drugs chat again too.

So yeah, party last night was funny. It was weird but i enjoyed myself.

Kanye West is a pretty cool guy. I wish i was black and was cool, that would be awesome.

1 comment:

LDC said...

i wish i was black and cool too. i am going to repeat the drugs chat to you.

p.s i am coming back to shitsmouth tomorrow evening. make something happen on tuesday please. and include joey and adam so we can have a sausage fest. :)