Tuesday 1 July 2008


Im not gunna get my computer working again for awhile I don't think. It seems like what fixed it before is not working at all this time. It really sucks cause with all my music and pretty much my life on there im really bored constantly at home. I miss it :/
Working on the laptop is kinda cool, like being able to sit on my bed and watch a movie whilst on here is a bonus. But its kind of uncomfortable & also i con't really do what i want to because its not mine. I need a quick fix for my desktop.

Today was induction to college day and I think overall Portsmouth college is gunna be pretty sweet. Graphics especially looked so fucking awesome, I really liked working on the Macs as well. I think they will make grpahics work helluva alot more accesible and quiker to carry out. Theres some pretty cool people going as well, so imma have to make some new friends

I watched Sahara last night. Thats another bonus to not having my computer. Im catching up on a lot of movies I wanted to see. I think tonight i might watch the second Fantastic Four movie, It's supposed to suck, even compared to the first which was pretty bad. But i want to see it for myself. Il also see whats gunna be on film four. They have some cool ones on recently.


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