Friday 5 December 2008

Die Ausstrahlung von Allure

I have to say this week has been a real mixture of emotions etc for me. I can't believe that its only been a week since this time last week either, i can remember last friday so clearly and yet it feels like it was so long ago. From the start of the week i felt absolutely terrible and just my emotions were sort of jumbled around, then to like wednesday when i just wanted to give up on almost everything, and then to today. Right now i feel really good, better than i have in awhile. I sort of feel like i have a reason to push again.

Today was nice. I spent some time with someone i really really like and its going good. If you could see the smile on my face as i write this up you would be able to tell so easily. Eh, i wont even go into it, i hate sounding like a sad person going on and on.

Im going to apply to Calvin Klein Underwear on sunday i believe, so if you want your 'pouch' measured, i might be your man. Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Joeypants said...

Every male in the posse wants their pouch measured, just so you know.
Even if you don't get the job. (: