Monday 8 December 2008

______ For Thrills

Im still in a good place at the moment i think. Well everything is feeling okay and seem to be moving along at a speed i could get used too. Obviously there are still things i feel are left untouched and avoided, which id really rather get into the air and out of the way, but from what i can tell i really can't see that happening anymore. Its a real shame really. Aside from that though, all is good.

I did manage to hunt down some paints in the end, i can't say theres much of a selection of colours but they are still useable - especially as they are just for me to get comfortable with. I really want my drawing to pick up soon though, all these ideas for different things i have in my head are usually hindered by my lack of artistic abilities. You could say im in a state of progression, but it's really quite slow. Still i have alot of motivation now so il just try and keep that, it's coming in very handy right now! As well as my own artistic developments, ive also been following that of others alot recently. I have quite a few websites for some really different and interesting graphic designers which feature a really broad range of styles of art...all of which create an oversized sense of jealousy within. hah. I also picked up a few graphic magazines but i had seen these before and had always wanted to pick one up so i decided it was about time i finally did. It was totally worth the money it cost me.

College work is going alright too i guess. Im not really anymore up to date in my more creative lessons, most of my books are still left empty and lonely, longing to be filled up. I think im going to get quite alot done this week though, if i stick to what i have planned to do and when. Large chance it wont though, its college after all.

I think your lovely.

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