Tuesday 20 January 2009


The 'Recently Updated Blogs' board is getting pretty quiet. Mine included.

Considering it's only tuesday, it feels like its already been quite a full week. I guess its just because everyone has something going on right now and there seems to be alot of emotions flying around at the moment. I had moments today of just sitting and looking around. Just taking in everyones situation and trying to put something to what they were doing and how they were interacting. It only lasted a minute or so, but it was odd just when you suddenly realise just how much is going on around you. Its so easy to get lost in your own thoughts and forget about everything else sometimes.

I think i ran myself out catching up on the graphics the past week. When i try and sit down to work now i feel like i can't, at all. Its probably just nothing but i need to get out of it or im going to fall behind again and after the whole situation with graphics its not what i want to do. Just need to sit down, concentrate and then push on with something. Right now its Digital Film...still havn't even recorded yet. Urgh.

Everybody Daylight makes me want to sleep.

For some really sad reason, i just want to get to tomorrow already.

1 comment:

AdamSavvy said...

alot of emotion haha