Sunday 11 January 2009


This blog has become a tool to procrastination, a brilliant one at that.

It's not even particuarly late yet but i have fueled myself up on good old cafetiere black coffee and, due to not having had any coffee for awhile now, it is taking full effect. The immediate headrush has expired and i am now left just feeling slightly more aware & awake. This is all for graphics, which i have slowly fallen more and more behind over the past month or so. I know i should keep up but it is just alot easier to push work away and do other things. Plus alongside my other subjects i end up having quite alot of work to do and graphics is the more complicated choice over the others, so it tends to be the one i choose to put off for the longest. Im determined to do as much as possible tonight though, as my teacher is expecting to mark my folder this week and in its current state i would be lucky for him to even give me a grade for it at all. Fucking college.

Friday until today (my weekend), has been pretty fun this week. Besides having to miss out on a few parties it has been pretty good. I spent friday night with Caitlin, who manages to amaze me more each time i get to spend more time with her. I know it sounds stupid and cliche but it just gives me a chance to find more out about her, and the more i find out the more i like her. (also she's fit). So friday was pretty sweet. Then i had work on saturday as usual. It was interesting this week for reasons i feel are best left un-noted. HILARIOUS FUN. And then today i went to visit my grandad. It was the best visit ive had up to see him so far. Thanks to his condition he can't recall who we are really, i mean he recognises us but it doesn't go beyond that, he doesn't fully understand who we are as much anymore. So i was happy today when he turned around and started talking to me, using my name. The first name he has recalled since being in the home. It was possibly one of the nicest things that could of happened today.

I like this, i like you, i like everything.

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