Thursday 28 February 2008



Yeah but it just came now and it looks real cool.
Im proper shattered atm though so ive decided to hold onto my crazy excitement until tomorrow and get a fresh ol' start on mah drawing skillz. blud.

Today was good.
Mothers day is now sorted and i also got food & stuff that was tasty. I also met some sort of insane man who talked about poisin and various other weird things.
He had a crazy snake tatoo as well & he wore leathers ;)
I almost wet myself tbh.

I wached the Dexter program last night and really enjoyed it. I thought it was def worth watching! The main character, Dexter (obvs) is played out really well. It feels awkward watching him and you really get a sense that he's just not quite right.
Definately tuning into it next week.

So yeah,
Good day, s'been nice.

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