Sunday 13 April 2008


Im getting back into the guitar. The only thing i need to do now is KEEP DRAWING D:/ im so fucking lazy half the time. Yeah, im just gunna play the guitar as a fun thing, im not gunna be doing anything serious and w/e, just playing with friends and all that. I imagine it will be pretty good. I just need to pick up like a Radiohead guitar book or something.

Radiohead are my current band of ALWAYS LISTENING TO.
Ive bought pretty much all their albums now. Well im missing about 2 or 3. Im pretty impressed by that. I know a few of the people who read this like them, or at least know of them and that. I really like them though, Amnesiac & Kid A are probably the two best for me. I havn't stopped listening to them for days now.

Although, right now im also listening to Sigur Ros alot more. They are alot different to what i usually listen too, alot calmer and slower. But i just like having it in the background sometimes. Its pretty good.

Anyway, that was me.
talking about music.


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